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Solution to fix the pop-ups in TeaTimer

Date this bug/fix was posted: 2005-10-28
Current date I downloaded S&D and bug is still there: 2006-04-19

Time between: 6 months

Seriously, even with an 'official unofficial patch', this is a poor way for a product (yes, even a free product) to remain available for download. I learned of this bug while I was doing a Windows Update and it tried to add a startup entry to my regsitry. I had to redo the install because I would not click blindly when I could not see the "Allow" and "Decline" buttons. I uninstalled S&D immediatly.

The fix is simple. The "corrected version" has been promised since nearly the same time this bug was announced. Yet it has not been applied to the downloadable version. S&D looked like a wonderful tool and I'm sure a lot of people use it. However, I imagine a great number of people do exactly what I did at first, uninstall it, rather than look here for a trivial fix that they shouldn't even have to apply using methods most security minded people instinctually avoid (i.e. 'download this program from my www.someaddress.pl website, run it, and edit stuff you have no clue about').

Please take the 2 minutes it requires to fix the bug and the under 60 minutes required to repackage the install file.

Other than that, thanks for this free product and thank you to the original poster on this thread for the workaround.
Patch with care.

Have just 'fixed' the problem with one of the fixes suggested, and sure enough it sorted it. However, I ran anti-virus software immediately afterwards and found four trojans.
Coincidence? ...Just be aware.
Thank you for the available fix. I had tried Resource Hacker, but gave up too soon I guess. Other programs I had looked into generally had hex in RCData, so I thought I wouldn't find anything useful. Anyway, glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, that would have been sad.

Thanks to the Safer Networking team for the creation of this wonderful software!
The patch, again.

I decided to post my patch once again, to make it easier for people to find. Also, I don't understand why the developers are so slow to resolve this. The updater module in spybot already is capable of closing spybot, updating its files and then reopening it. Why not release an updated through its integrated update system that closes teatimer.exe and then patches it, before reopening it? It would be simple to do, and would solve everything! Please please don't leave people hanging until the next release. Some people simply refuse to use anything unless it comes directly from the developer and so these people won't want to use spybot in its current state because of this glitch.
SyreneD said:
... I don't understand why the developers are so slow to resolve this. The updater module in spybot already is capable of closing spybot, updating its files and then reopening it. Why not release an updated through its integrated update system that closes teatimer.exe and then patches it, before reopening it? ...
Man, you took the words right out of my mouth... It couldn't be that hard at all to auto-update... I love Spybot, and the fact that it is free, so I won't complain. Please dont' take this as a complaint...
SyreneD said:
I decided to post my patch once again, to make it easier for people to find. Also, I don't understand why the developers are so slow to resolve this. The updater module in spybot already is capable of closing spybot, updating its files and then reopening it. Why not release an updated through its integrated update system that closes teatimer.exe and then patches it, before reopening it? It would be simple to do, and would solve everything! Please please don't leave people hanging until the next release. Some people simply refuse to use anything unless it comes directly from the developer and so these people won't want to use spybot in its current state because of this glitch.

I as well (it's seem) are having these same type of problems w/pushing in the check buttons.The teatime resident utilities keep freezeup for some strange reason and leaving me no other alternative but to close it down by clicking onto the right top (popup box) corner x <--.Will this patch resolve the teatime problems?
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Shouldn't we be seeing a new version real soon, based on the 1 year update schedule i have seen mentioned somewhere in these forums, the new beta 1.5 (or whatever) ought to be hitting our screens real soon with the fix to this bug.


Maybe I am being cynical (some might say deservedly so) but, since i can find no mention of a 1.5 or new beta version, maybe there will be no more spybot versions, after all, leaving this serious a bug this long seems just a bit too much like a lack of interest. Let's face it how many people have said to themselves, "nice tool, shame about the bugs" and gone and found something else. Spybot usage must have dropped off, or at least new user uptake will not have been as great as it could have been. And then there are the regular bad checksums on some of the update mirrors.

Overall a great piece of work, you can work around the bug with some nimble mouse work or keyboard use, without using someone elses "Fix" and it remains free, to keep your PC free!!!!

Keep on trucking Spybot and hasta la vista baby to those saddo's that continue to write the nasties that spybot helps clean up.
Spybot S&D is a wonderful program, especially considering it costs nothing. That said, this seems like such a simple fix that the developers could include and would save their users some trouble.

If you work in the IT world, you know most users are... well.... stupid and impatient. There's no way they would even think to look in a forum for an answer. Their immediate reaction would be to uninstall and grab a different program. In the hopes to encourage, rather than chase away, new SpyBot users, I urge the developers to at least post this patch with a note on the homepage.

That said, just to make things even easier, here's a hyperlink directly to the file, so quick fixers don't even have to take the time to register for the board:


P.S. Remember to close spybot before you run the patch ! :bigthumb:
RuggeR29 said:
Spybot S&D is a wonderful program, especially considering it costs nothing. That said, this seems like such a simple fix that the developers could include and would save their users some trouble.

... here's a hyperlink directly to the file, so quick fixers don't even have to take the time to register for the board:


P.S. Remember to close spybot and TeaTimer before you run the patch ! :bigthumb:

I just install your patch on my newly assembled PC. Works well.

Even so I am using Spybot S&D for years, I didn't use a TeaTimer on my old Win 98se system.

It is surprising and discouraging that no one from the Spybot S&D team replied to this tread.
New bugs with Tea Timer


Ive done all what was said in your thread and yes it does work... thank you very much and congrats..... However, there is now a new minor problem:

Whenever Teatimer pops up, I can't seem to be able anymore to change the windows size, which is kinda problematic since some of the file names or entry names are sometims very long.

Could you tell me what to do in this case???

Thank you very much
Elliot said:
Ive done all what was said in your thread ... I can't seem to be able anymore to change the windows size ...
What fix did you use?

I personally still run with the original code. However, I just retested the SyreneD patch and the window appears to expand to the right the same as the original does. For this patch see:
I just retested the ResourceHacker fix and I can expand the pop-up dialog window to the right without any problem. The only thing that I can suggest is to try again. ResourceHacker should have created a backup of the original TeaTimer.exe as TeaTimer_original.exe in the original folder.
Hey All. I didn't actually create that patch. I was just browsing through the forum for a solution to the problem and found it as a bulletin board attachment here on this thread. (I think it might be known as the 1 byte patch?)

When I went to download it I had to register, and just thought I'd provide a link on my webspace so the next person wouldn't have to bother registering and confirming through email if they didn't want to. There might already be links somewhere else in the thread for all I know. Whoever the original author is, thank you!

The whole process takes about 10 seconds and works like a charm.
TeaTimer' bug sorted

Ive just patched TeaTimer with SyreneD's program and this has solved all my problems. Thank you very much :bigthumb: Her program however warns that it should be applied to a file that is 1,415,824 bytes large when mine was only 1.385 MB which ive just realised is exaxctly the same Whoooops :D

Take care and tank you for your support

murdo said:
Well i figured this one out for myself using P.E Explorer (similar to ResHacker but more powerful) and i thought that people might not want to do it themselves so I created a patch program that will do it for you. I have sent it to the spybot authors, don't know if they will include it or not though!

If anyone has webspace I can put the RAR file I would be happy to email it to them, I've also attached it to this post.

I opened Spybot and drilled to Teatimer, and the gui won't write to the file. It tells me access denied or permissions not granted. Any help would be appreciated.
SurferJoe46 said:
I opened Spybot and drilled to Teatimer, and the gui won't write to the file. It tells me access denied or permissions not granted. Any help would be appreciated.

doh!...I forgot to close Spybot first...dumb..dumb...dumb..

It works now..TY