I got 1.5.2 to download by changing my Firewall. I had meant SDUpdate.exe in my post, my quick typing I am afraid!

I have been using Comodo Firewall but I turned it off in favour of the Windows Vista Firewall. Comodo was becoming a little too invasive for my liking.

Anyway, I fired Comodo up again, turned off Windows Firewall and as soon as I got into "Update" after installing 1.5.2, Comodo asked for permission to allow sdupdate.exe to connect to the internet and the rest was just plain sailing.

During the downloads I got one crook checksum but that will be sorted out when I next update.

All seems to be working fine.

Food for thought for others having problems, it is most likely a Firewall issue.

Thanks to md usa spybot fan for keeping me at it.