WARNING: This Instruction is only for Windows 2000 Pro and only for functio's case.

Thanks! I have change it a little bit.

1. Type "regedt32" in the run prompt

2. Click on the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" window and Highlight/Select the line
3. Go to menu "File - load hive..."

4. Select your damaged registry file which should be in your case
5. It will ask for a name it should load in your registry. Just choose "Test". It really doesn't matter what name you choose as long as it is not already in use. We choose "Test" so that we can easily find it later. Your damaged registry should be loaded now.

6. Navigate to the new hive which should be
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\test\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon
Each click on the "+" should open a subfolder. Open all the subfolder from "Test" to "Winlogon".

7. Search for the entry "userinit:..." and make a doubleclick with the mouse on it. If you don't find the "userinit" entry
then the reason is probably because it is not visible. Go to the menu of regedt32 and change the view to "Data and Structure".

8. Enter this line(if your default system letter is C: )
and confirm it with OK.

9. Now highlight/select the "Test" hive and unload it, menu "File - unload hive..."

Change the master and slave drive again and then you should be able to boot the normal system.

PS.: If you have tried md usa spybot fan's solution it is very important that you find where you loaded the "Fixit" and unload it before going on.