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Thread: recurring alert on startup

  1. #21
    Junior Member brynn's Avatar
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    Yes it's accurate. That's why many (if not most....well, mine, anyway) laptops are made with a non-64-bit version, so that games using active x can still be played. At least that's the explanation I was given.

    That's why I think it's weird that this active x is found in the 64-bit version. But then I don't remember what I had installed that prompted it being deleted. Maybe I mistakenly downloaded it, forgetting that I wouldn't be able to play a game with it; and then it was automatically deleted, since it doesn't belong????

    I can't imagine why 64-bit shouldn't be able to use active x. But again, I'm no expert. Who knows why !!

    In any case, I've deleted it, and now will close down for the night. And we'll see what happens tomorrow when I start up. So cross fingers -- I'll let you know what happens

  2. #22
    Esteemed Member
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    Default Which version of Java should I download for my 64-bit Windows operating system?

    This article applies to:
    • Platform(s): Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 Server
    • Browser(s): Internet Explorer 8.x, Internet Explorer 7.x
    • Java version(s): 6.0, 6u10+

    Windows 64-bit operating system comes with both 32-bit and 64-bit Internet Explorer (IE) browsers. 32-bit IE comes as a default. There are different versions of Java software available for download depending on whether you are using 32-bit or 64-bit IE browsers.

    Please note that the 64-bit Java is presented as a download option automatically for 64-bit Internet Explorer users, as it is the only officially available 64-bit browser for Windows.

    You must also individually maintain both of these versions of Java separately if they are installed, as they were when I recently received my Dell Windows 7 Premium based desktop. If you don't normally use the 64-bit browser, you may prefer to uninstall this copy of Java from Control Panel, since otherwise it will become badly out of date over time.


  3. #23
    Junior Member brynn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info bitman!
    I haven't read the article yet, but I definitely will.

    As for deleting the active x control (clsid as I've posted in previous messages), that was successful and it is no longer appearing in Manage Add-Ons for the 64-bit IE. But the Spybot S&D alert IS still recurring at every startup. Does this give us any useful info, that being deleted yet its still triggering alerts? Could it be a bug, or should I just use "Remember"?

    Thanks again, as always

  4. #24
    Junior Member brynn's Avatar
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    Just fyi --
    A restart fixed the problem, as opposed to a shut down and startup. Since this is a laptop, I usually just shut down when finished, rather than let it "go to sleep" like I do with my desktop. With desktop, restarts are common, but not so with laptop.

    Anyway, it was an accidental restart which turned out to be a good thing, because no more alerts! I don't know...well first, I don't know why a restart should be different from a shutdown and startup. So 2nd, I don't know if a restart would have fixed the problem from the get-go, or if deleting the Active X manually is what was needed. I suspect so, but then I understand very little about these things

    But the bottom line is problem solved
    Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this. I really appreciate it

  5. #25
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Glad you're no longer getting the alerts from Teatimer on startup,brynn.

  6. #26
    Junior Member brynn's Avatar
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    Default Update

    Hi again,
    Sorry for digging up this older topic, but the exact same problem has happened again, and I wanted to share the experience (and hope it might catch the attention of just the right person to look into further).

    Recently I was notified that a Java update was available, so I downloaded and installed. The next time I started up, I got the exact same alert I was getting before. It was a different CLSID#, but just the same, was related to the Java update install -- an active x, value deleted (Deny button grayed out).

    Even though I only use the non-64-bit version of IE8 (on my 64-bit Windows 7 laptop), the Java updates are always made to the 64-bit version. That still baffles me (because 64-bit IE can't run active x, that's why the non-64-bit IE is provided)! Anyway, I found the file by matching the CLSID#, and deleted it through Manage Add-Ons in the 64-bit IE8.

    But just like before, even though I confirmed that the file was deleted (by getting zero results on searching the whole computer), the S&D alert still came up every time I started up. And just like before, after I restarted, as opposed to shutting down and starting up, the problem was solved -- the alert no longer appears on startup.

    Here is the most concise summary of the problem I can make (although I might not be using the proper terminology):
    1. Install Java update
    2. Spybot S&D alert at every startup; active x, value deleted, Deny button grayed out
    3. CLSID# is only found in 64-bit version of IE8, even though I only use the non-64-bit version
    4. Delete file with matching CLSID from Manage Add-Ons in 64-bit version IE8
    5. Still receive same Spybot S&D alert at every startup, even though search of entire computer confirms the file was successfully deleted
    6. Restart, as opposed to shutdown and startup resolves the problem -- no more alerts at startup

    The unresolved part of this whole experience that I would attribute to Spybot S&D, is threefold (imo):
    1 - the recurring Spybot S&D alert -- apparent inability to perform the deletion (Allow button)
    2 - alert still recurs, even after the file has been deleted
    3 - a restart gets rid of the alert, but shutdown/startup does not (what's the difference??)

    And that I would attribute to Java, why does Java only update the 64-bit version of IE8, especially since I only use the non-64-bit version? And I realize this is a question I need to ask at some Java support forum or tech support. Just voicing it here for the sake of detail.

    So are these things ALL issues to present to Java, or are some of them based in Spybot S&D? What can I do to get a developer to either have a look into it, or otherwise explain it?

    Thank you very much
    Last edited by brynn; 2010-08-21 at 19:28. Reason: typo

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