Hi Friends,
I've recently installed S&D on a new laptop. After installing...well I don't remember what at the moment, but afterwards, every time I startup, there's an alert for...I think it's Active x, Valued Deleted. And I know that I can just check 'Remember this decision', and it will automatically be Allowed at every startup.

For the most part, I'm fine with that. But partly I'm curious why my allowing the alert once doesn't forever delete the thing I'm allowing. And I wonder if there's is some way to have to make my allowing it once, permanent?

FYI, the Deny button is grayed out, or I would try that for a permanent solution. Also I looked up the Active X listings in the program, and it's not there; probably allowing the action deletes the it, at least until next startup. There IS an Active X with the exact same CLSID, except for one character difference, which is a Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0. It's bold, with no green checkmark icon, which apparently means that it's not listed in your database. (There are 2 other JRE with green checkmarks, and another without, but not bolded.)

Anyway, 2 questions:
Why isn't my Allow decision permanent?
And is there anyway to make this decision permanent, so that S&D doesn't have to remember it every startup?