Hi there,

i installed the new beta 5 on Win 7 Ultimate and found till now the following bugs.

- The most important frist, the custom install is still not working!
It makes no difference if u swistch from full to custom install into the installer, u are still not able to unselect features u dont like to install. All entrys, without the options for portal install (which have a own profile in installer) are selected and greyed, u cant unsellect them.

- The next, there is no uninstaller
If u want to uninstall Spybot 2 beta, it complains about there is no uninstall-dialog to show. It continue without it, but dont loock well.

- Chromes Browser Integration slows browsing
The Integration of Spybot into Chrome Browser stills slows browsing, but atleast the status seems now to be fixed and both, chrome and spybot show the status of the PlugIn correctly.

-Unable to install Bowser Integration manually
If u uninstall the spybot browser integartion u are not able to install it again, even if u run the spybot-setup again, the Plugin dont get installed.

Please continue if u find more Bugs.