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Thread: Performance and cpu use

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Performance and cpu use

    Most people complain about too high a use of the cpu when scanning. My complaint is the opposite.

    On an Asus netbook I'm on Win7 Starter, 2Gb.

    When I ran the scanner it was using only 3% cpu and the run time was nearly 2 hours.

    Nothing else was using cpu. Why did it use so little cpu? And is there a way to make it use more for a shorter scan time?

    By comparison I also have a Toshiba laptop, Win7 64bit Pro with an SSD. The scan is running now using 25% cpu with an estimated time of about 30 minutes. That seems very reasonable.

    What determines how it uses the cpu and can I control it?


  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello hfineberg,

    Which version of Spybot do you have installed please:

    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tashi View Post
    Hello hfineberg,

    Which version of Spybot do you have installed please:

    Sorry - of course I should have told you that.

    I was using 2.2.25 but saw that there is a newer version 2.4.40, which I have now installed on both systems.

    I ran System Scan again on both systems with interesting results.

    On the Win7 64bit Pro it was the same: about 25% cpu and run time about 30 minutes.

    On the Win7 Starter it used 25-30% cpu and run time more than an hour. On the previous version it was using only 3%.

    I appreciate that the Pro system is more powerful than the Starter (2.6GHz-v-1.6Ghz) and also has an SSD so would expect it to have a shorter runtime.

    But my question is still: can I influence the cpu utilisation if I know that nothing else is running at the same time? That could apply to both systems.



  4. #4
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello Harold,

    Quote Originally Posted by hfineberg View Post

    I was using 2.2.25 but saw that there is a newer version 2.4.40, which I have now installed on both systems.

    I ran System Scan again on both systems with interesting results.

    On the Win7 64bit Pro it was the same: about 25% cpu and run time about 30 minutes.

    On the Win7 Starter it used 25-30% cpu and run time more than an hour. On the previous version it was using only 3%.

    I appreciate that the Pro system is more powerful than the Starter (2.6GHz-v-1.6Ghz) and also has an SSD so would expect it to have a shorter runtime.
    Quote Originally Posted by hfineberg View Post
    But my question is still: can I influence the cpu utilisation if I know that nothing else is running at the same time? That could apply to both systems.
    25-30% cpu doesn't seem excessive when a scan is running, and scan times can vary depending on the machine.

    Some users have reported a slow laptop scan and then found out the inside of the machine was dusty, it's hard to say if one isn't sitting at the computer in question.

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tashi View Post
    Hello Harold,

    25-30% cpu doesn't seem excessive when a scan is running, and scan times can vary depending on the machine.

    Some users have reported a slow laptop scan and then found out the inside of the machine was dusty, it's hard to say if one isn't sitting at the computer in question.

    Thanks, tashi. but you misunderstand my point. It's not that '25-30% cpu doesn't seem excessive'. As my original post said, if my system is otherwise idle can I get it to use _more_ cpu so that the scan runs for a shorter time? As my original post said 'Most people complain about too high a use of the cpu when scanning. My complaint is the opposite.'

  6. #6
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello hfineberg,

    Quote Originally Posted by hfineberg View Post
    Thanks, tashi. but you misunderstand my point. It's not that '25-30% cpu doesn't seem excessive'. As my original post said, if my system is otherwise idle can I get it to use _more_ cpu so that the scan runs for a shorter time? As my original post said 'Most people complain about too high a use of the cpu when scanning. My complaint is the opposite.'
    Yes your complaint is unusual, this topic at tomshardware might shed some light: How can I use maximum cpu capacity for an application

    Best regards.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tashi View Post
    Hello hfineberg,

    Yes your complaint is unusual, this topic at tomshardware might shed some light: How can I use maximum cpu capacity for an application

    Best regards.
    OK Tashi. Thanks for that link. Thread closed!

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