
I am currently running the free version of Spybot 2.4 on a Windows 7 as of this writing, and I am having a problem with launching the Rootkit scan.

Short response: it won't open and it freezes on me.

Long response: Whenever I click on the Rootkit Scan, I get the 'Do Not Disturb' notice. I click 'OK', and then... Nothing happens. It is made only worse when I try clicking another button (System Scan, for example) on the Spybot menu. When I do that, the program just freezes on me. I tried running Spybot as 'Administrator'. Still didn't work. Then, I tried going onto my 'computer' link, and entering the 'program files'. After clicking on 'SDRootalyzer.exe', the 'Computer' window freezes on me. I try again by right-clicking 'SDRootalyzer.exe' and clicking 'run as administrator.' Same thing happens.

At this point, I don't know what's going on. If anyone can help me out on this, I would be very grateful.
