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Thread: Incomplete immunization - Internet Explorer 32 Bit Software Domains

  1. #21
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Yes,the export of the domains key is of value,because if anything goes wrong when attempting to take ownership,it should be able to take you back to where you started.A bad backup is better than no backup.
    Also,could you refer to this page and do a full registry backup,as well:
    Name it fullregistrybackup,or something similar,and keep it somewhere close by in case it's needed.I just want to be extra cautious.

    On Karen/PC,please go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap,click on Domains,then rightclick,select Permissions.Let me know if you get any errors.When/if the permissions window comes up,please click the Owner tab,and if you wouldn't mind give me a screenshot of it.

  2. #22
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    Your instructions from your last post included "On Karen/PC,please go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap,click on Domains,then rightclick,select Permissions.Let me know if you get any errors.When/if the permissions window comes up,please click the Owner tab,and if you wouldn't mind give me a screenshot of it."

    I have assumed you meant "On Karen/PC,please go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap,click on Domains,then rightclick,select Permissions, then select the advanced button, and on the advanced button popup box select the Owner tab. Let me know if you get any errors.When/if the permissions window comes up,please click the Owner tab,and if you wouldn't mind give me a screenshot of it."

    Attached is an image of the Owner tab that appears on the advanced button popup box.

    Domains Permission box, Advanced button selected, Owner tab.JPG

    I have already backed up the complete registry.

    I didn't receive any error messages in getting to the Owner tab or while backing up the complete registry.
    Last edited by lapper4; 2014-08-26 at 10:55.

  3. #23
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Yes,I meant the advanced tab.Sorry,it was going on for 4 a.m. at the time,and I was getting a bit yawny(though I didn't realize I was quite that tired.I was actually in my own registry looking at my own Domains permissions at the time,typing instructions as I went!)

    Please open Spybot,go to Immunization,then Undo Immunization for Internet Explorer (32-bit) \Software (Domains) only.
    Then click the start orb,and type regedit,then click regedit.exe.Say yes to the UAC prompt.
    Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains.If all the sites have been removed below Domains,continue on to the next step.However,if there are still sites listed there,please come back and tell me before continuing.

    Click on and then rightclick Domains and select Permissions.Beneath the area where it says 'No permissions have been assigned for this object',click the Add...button.
    In the box below Enter the object names to select,type in Administrators,then click Check Names.This should change it to KAREN-PC\Administrators,then press OK.
    Back under Group or User Names,click on Administrators (Karen-PC\Administrators).Checkmark Full Control and Read,then click the Advanced button,and under Permissions,beside the Administrators (Karen-PC\Administrators) listing,make sure it says This key and subkeys beneath 'Applies To'.Click Ok,then back in the Permissions for Domains box click Apply and OK.

    If that all goes well, go to Spybot and try to Immunize Internet Explorer (32-bit) \Software (Domains)

  4. #24
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    If you review my post times, you will see I am up all hours of the night. I get pretty tired at times, so I can empathize.

    In my ignorance, I was wondering if the problem could be fixed by using regedit to delete all the files in the Domains folder, then adding Karen administrator permission to the Domains folder, and then immunizing again.

    I also wondered if the problem could be solved by using regedit to export the Domains folder files from the computer that completely immunized and then "adding" (a regedit phrase that might actually mean overwriting existing files in this case) these files to the registry of the computer that won't completely immunize, then adding Karen administrator permission to the Domains folder.

    I have to head out for a doctor's appointment now, but will do as you instruct when I get back.

    Thanks for all your time and expertise.

  5. #25
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    I unimmunized the Internet Explorer (32-bit) \Software (Domains) only. Opened regedit and looked at the folders in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains. It appears that only the folders that had a dword of 4 were removed from the Domains folder. I assume 507 folders were removed and 14,985 folders remain per Spybot.

    If I try to export any of the remaining folders, I get the same error message as before "The selected branch does not exist. Make sure that the correct path is given". This makes me wonder if the immunization software can even "see" these folders.

    Why not try to use regedit to delete the remaining, apparently damaged files? Or delete and then recreate the Domains folder?

    What are your orders master?

  6. #26
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    You're welcome.

    A couple people did nickname me Insomniac in real life,which gave me a giggle.
    (Or maybe it was overtired,giddy laughter.)

    Why not try to use regedit to delete the remaining, apparently damaged files? Or delete and then recreate the Domains folder?
    Yes,we might have to try one or the other.I'm not sure if you would have problems deleting Domains or the Subfolders without ownership,though,so try taking ownership of Domains and the subkeys/sites listed below Domains first,to try to avoid any problems.
    Click the start orb,and type regedit,then click regedit.exe.Say yes to the UAC prompt.
    Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains
    Click on and then rightclick Domains and select Permissions.Beneath the area where it says 'No permissions have been assigned for this object',click the Add...button.
    In the box below Enter the object names to select,type in Administrators,then click Check Names.This should change it to KAREN-PC\Administrators,then press OK.
    Back under Group or User Names,click on Administrators (Karen-PC\Administrators).Checkmark Full Control and Read,then click the Advanced button,and under Permissions,click on Administrators (Karen-PC\Administrators),then make sure that 'Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent' is checkmarked,and then put a checkmark beside 'Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.',then click Apply.You'll get a warning prompt asking if you'd like to continue,click Yes.(It's normal for the 'Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.' to disappear from the checkbox after you click Yes,so don't worry.)Then click OK.That should give Administrators full control on Domains and the sites listed below it.Let me know how it goes,and then we'll go from there.

  7. #27
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    When I followed the instructions on your last post, things went according to plan until the Advanced button permissions tab. I added a check to the “Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent” check box and added a check to the “Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.” check box. When I clicked the Apply button, an error message popped up. When I closed the error message, 3 new users and a duplicate of the Karen/PC Administrator user appeared on the Advanced button permissions tab and 3 new users without the duplicate Karen/PC Administrator user appeared on the Domains permissions tab. Images of the error message, the Advanced button permissions tab after closing the error message, and the Domains permission tab after closing the error message are attached.
    Last edited by lapper4; 2014-08-27 at 14:37.

  8. #28
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    The error appearing isn't so great,but as for the three new users,not to worry,that is good news,actually.They normally appear.I will show you mine:


    The permissions on the users appear to be correct as well.
    The duplicate Administrators should be removed,though.Click the Advanced button,then click on the Administrators (Karen-PC\Administrators) that says <not inherited>,then click Remove,then Apply and OK.
    Then click on Apply and Ok on the Permissions for Domains box.

    The error message you recieved probably means you didn't get ownership of the subkeys,but please check one of them just to see for sure.Click any one of the sites listed below Domains,then rightclick and select Permissions.Are there four Users listed under 'Group or user names'?If Administrators (Karen-PC\Administrators) is listed there,please click on it.Does it have Read and Full Control checkmarked?

  9. #29
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    The duplicate Karen/PC Administrator (not inherited) on the permission tab of the Advanced button popup box has been removed. On the Domains permission tab there 4 users and the Karen/PC Administrator user has full control and read privileges. The other 3 user names and privileges match the 3 other user privileges on my computer. I checked the Domains file permission privileges for the first file, last file, and a few files in-between those two files. In all cases, the Permissions tab showed 4 users and the Karen/PC Administrator user had full control and read privileges.

    Things looked so good that I tried to immunize again. Spybot showed the computer had 520 unimmunized Internet Explorer (32 bit) SOFTWARE (Domains) sites before the immunization as opposed the previous 14,000 plus unimmunized sites Spybot showed. After immunization there were 0 unimmunized Internet Explorer (32 bit) SOFTWARE (Domains) sites. Spybot now shows all sites in all categories are protected.

    Gee, I'm somewhat sad that the problem appears to be solved. I learned some new things, which I always enjoy and I enjoyed our correspondence. Please don't take that the wrong way, I do have a life.

  10. #30
    Junior Member
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    Hello Zenobia:

    A few more questions.

    Do you know or suspect how that section of the registry became messed up or corrupted? I assume the problem was the result of a program making changes to the registry, since Karen has never changed the registry directly. We didn't have this problem when using Spybot 1.6. The problem started when we updated to Spybot 2.4 and used 2.4 for the first time. Therefore, could the problem be related to the Spybot update?

    What is the purpose of the Creator Owner user that has only the special permissions check box checked. What are the special permissions?

    Are you and the other Spybot team members Spybot employees or volunteers?

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