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Thread: Problems with SBS&D+AV Prof. on WHS 2011 x64

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Problems with SBS&D+AV Prof. on WHS 2011 x64

    I can only assume I failed to correctly configure SB S&D +AV. But, it seemed to be working for several months after I disabled the Spybot proxy stuff. I don't have any proxy configured on WHS 2011. Now the program fails to update. Somewhere in the SB Start Center I've been getting a message that says SBS&D has been detected on 2 clients in violation of my Pro License. I've only got the free version installed on 1, maybe 2 other boxes and set to only run manually as I use other AV software.
    Can anyone help me get this straightened out. I presume I will need to generate a report of some sort and post here. I could use some pointers on how to successfully achieve that.

    HalinQuincy (tho' Clueless in Quincy might be more apropos)

  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Here are instructions to post your Updates.logfile.

    Open Spybot Start Center,click Advanced User Mode,click Report Creator,then click Show logs on the left,then open Updates.log,click Edit,Select All,then rightclick,select Copy,then Paste it here.If it's too many charactors to post,you could break the logfile up into a couple posts.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Too many Characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    Here are instructions to post your Updates.logfile.

    If it's too many characters to post,you could break the logfile up into a couple posts.
    So over time I've learned to try and identify the parameters before I begin. to that end I checked the forum FAQs and did a search on maximum characters in a post and several other search terms and came up empty. Can you, at a minimum supply that information? Or, better yet a link to where all the technical parameters for posting might be viewed?
    Thank you so much for your patience!

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    No,I don't know for certain,I don't think the character limit is in the FAQ anywhere.It's very dated,and the character limit may be different,since it's for a different section of the forum,but I did find a person saying that the character limit is 20k in their post:

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    No,I don't know for certain,I don't think the character limit is in the FAQ anywhere.It's very dated,and the character limit may be different,since it's for a different section of the forum,but I did find a person saying that the character limit is 20k in their post:
    no problem. So I went in and checked the SB proxy box and rebooted. The updates are now completing, at least according to the update page in the Start Console and the log file. But, when I mouse over the icon in the notification area, it always says "This software is being updated". Not a huge issue as long as I'm actually getting the updates installed, but it is sorta tedious to have to go in and check the logfile and run the update routine to find out if all is as it should be. Is this a known anomaly?
    The other problem I mentioned earlier is this message that SB SD+AV is detecting the program on 2 other machines, even though WHS 2011 is the only windows box running at the time the message pops up and I only have the free version of SB SD installed on 2 other machines. Is this a known anomaly?


  6. #6
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Yes,it is a known anomaly for Spybot 2.4 to always show This software is being updated......

    It's quite strange that you can only get updates with the proxy checked.It's usually the other way around.

    The other problem I mentioned earlier is this message that SB SD+AV is detecting the program on 2 other machines, even though WHS 2011 is the only windows box running at the time the message pops up and I only have the free version of SB SD installed on 2 other machines. Is this a known anomaly?
    Yes,people have mentioned it on the forum.I don't know the solution to that,and usually send those people to the Spybot support page.But,in your case,it might be best to see the updates.logfile first,to see if the two problems might be related,if you would like to post it.

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    Yes,it is a known anomaly for Spybot 2.4 to always show This software is being updated......

    It's quite strange that you can only get updates with the proxy checked.It's usually the other way around.

    Yes,people have mentioned it on the forum.I don't know the solution to that,and usually send those people to the Spybot support page.But,in your case,it might be best to see the updates.logfile first,to see if the two problems might be related,if you would like to post it.
    Well. since I'm now getting updates and the anomalies are just that and known, I have other issues that need attention around here, like finding my desk under the current pile of parts & papers, etc.
    If I find the time or I have problems again, "I shall return!"

    Thanks for all the help!

    Mahalo Nui Loa

  8. #8
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    You're welcome.

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