Hello everybody. Please I need your help about mi pc because someone try to attack again and again my pc and now I have a evil script or something worse. Another things is my usb. They are contaminated with a something that I don't understand. Spybot detect a lot of files and I can't remove from my usb. Ex: In my usb I have 50 files but when I transfer an another location or another usb It show me "800 files" so is not normal and when I scan with spybot find files that I can't remove that I can't see but spybot detected like unwanted so I need your help. My 3 usb are infected and when I connect my usb to my pc they infect my pc and I can't remove from my pc and my 3 usb so please help me. I have installed spybot 2.4 and detected my files infected in my usb. I scan with buttons "file scan" and detect unwanted files but I can't remove ¿ Why?. I try to find a button to remove this files but I can't and the question is ¿why don't exist a button to remove this kind of files?. If somenone know please tell me.

Another thing is that someone steal my internet and I see it because with my firewall I detect anormal signals in my internet.

One thing more, I show you one log with one usb. I have two more that they are infected. Another thing I have installed spybot 1.6. I don't know if this influences or not so please tell me. If you have a question please tell me to replay.....I hope your answer.....