Hello, all.
First time here at your forum. If this is the wrong thread or forum location, forgive me.

I've reviewed several different threads about the recent includes update ( 2 days ago ) producing error messages such as 'Includes/Trojans.sbi' . . include log ... ZLob.DNS changer ... stuff, etc ...

I honestly don't understand any of this, nor what to do to correct it. I have been using SpyBot ( and updating when necessary ) for 4+ years without any such problems ( never this message in the past ). What is my next step ?
Wait for a corrected update to become available ? Will SpyBot somehow correct this situation WITHOUT me having to do a lot of technical stuff I really don't understand ?

(Windows XP, FireFox browser , but never an issue in the past )

Thanks for your time and patience with a NuBe here on your forum.

take care,
