
I've been using Spybot for several years now, with no real problems. Today I updated to the latest release posted at these forums (spybotsd152rc1.exe). Now Firefox has slowed way down. This happens on 2 machines. No other changes were made to either system.

WinXP Pro - Firefox
Firefox seems to hang after a link is clicked ... like it's thinking ... aprox. 10 seconds? Once it finishes thinking the URL loads normally. This happens on cached pages as well as new visits and pages on the same domain. IE 6 on the same machine runs fast and as usual.

Win2k sp4 - Firefox
The same behavior can be duplicated on my Win 2k PC. I did try the "dns client" fix located in the Spybot FAQ, but it didn't seem to make any noticable difference. Again IE 6 is fine.

Any help, suggestions, idea, would be most appreciated.
