Quote Originally Posted by Zer0 Voltage View Post
@wyrmrider: Perhaps you should fully familiarize yourself with the problem reports and history before making any assumptions. This is a case of obvious abnormalities, not a need for trade-offs or alternatives and most certainly not some baloney case of TeaTimer doing its normal job. This is a case of TT needing a fix for a real and verifiable problem..........................................

I am somewhat skeptical that this will come down to "normal" behavior, however, since on nearly identical systems with the same software and configuration different levels of the problem can occur - plus, like I said, the problem didn't occur with the betas.

FYI, when TT does do something it is supposed to do, it does not spike - even on affected systems. It has a brief but normal resource increase, but that's it. I can only make a permanent spike [at will] by fully exiting and then later restarting it (at least on some systems). Further FYI, I have no TEMP files (auto-scrubbers in place) and usually <40 processes running. So anything TT does should be unnoticeable and instant (which truly normal "doing its job" TT behavior is).

Anyway, thanks very much for continuing to look into this PepiMK. If you need me to help test anything or provide any other details, please just let me know. I may not be available much now though.

Sorry if I posted any redundant info here, but evidently while I was away some people decided to start multiple separate threads for the same related issue...
It is absolutely clear that there is some terrible bug with TT that makes it spike the CPU.As Zero voltage suggests any normal working need not consume that resource.I hope the spybot team quickly put their heads into action and correct it or the reputation of the software will get affected.In fact I was among the first who posted a thread on the CPU spike but a pity no proper response from the forum.I have for the moment uninstalled Spybot ,and watching for the correction.