Now I wonder, with all the brainiac code slinging programmers out there, why can't someone come up with a simple little add-on, IE: a way to kill a file, be it .exe, .dll, etc... No matter if its "in use" or "read only" blah blah and etc...

That one little add on would be worth its weight in gold by itself to me. (and i'm quite sure hundreds of thousands of others) a way to end a process and delete something without having to jump through hoops, restart into dos, or safe mode, blah blah and etc...

And if there IS a prog, i'd LOVE to know about it (it'd be a lovely bragging right add on to S&D).

And i'm like the other 99% that don't care to hear, can't because of this or that, its just a matter of the right method just like any other thing that see's
010011000100 for a living, (where there's a will there's a way)

Anywho, my 2 cents on the matter. pe@ce 2ya