Right, it looks like you have some infected e-mails there.
I'm not sure if they are inbox or outbox or where, I'm not familiar with that client.

C:\pmta\Xfrs\rz\01c9eea7c3f620aa.msg[postcard.zip][postcard.txt .scr]
C:\pmta\Xfrs\rz\01c9eea585cf7530.msg[postcard.zip][postcard.htm .scr]
Let's check that other file, it shouldn't be being flagged.

Submit a File For Analysis
We need to have the files below Scanned by Uploading them/it to Virus Total

Please visit Virustotal
Copy/paste the the following file path into the window
Click Submit/Send File

When the scan has finished, you can copy the URL from the browser address window and paste it in your reply.

If Virustotal is too busy please try Jotti