I need help...
when i turn on my laptops i got this message:
1. C:\windows\system32\windowscodecs.dll is either not design to run on windows or it contains error.
2. exception processing message 0xc000007b parameters 0x75F492A0 0x75F492A0 0x75F492A0
3. exception processing message 0xc000007b parameters 0x754592A0 0x754592A0 0x754592A0
4. Search Protocol Host.exe - Bad Image
C:\program files\microsoft office\office12\olmapi32.dll is either not design to run on windows or it contains error.
5. Host process for windows service stopped working and was closed

since all the message appears i cannot run internet explorer, microsoft outlook, my printer cannot run etc, the point is my laptop is not function normal.
i really need help to fix it.
