I have never posted on any of these forums before so please excuse me when I screw up or post in the wrong place. The reason I am here is that I am very very frustrated with Dell. Last week my brand new Dell Inspiron E1705 just freaked on me and when I rebooted, all my services were disabled, I could not restart any of them and It has been the biggest pain in my but that I have ever gone through. I told Dell I would not make another payment until they replaced my computer. I must say that it appears I was wrong, I thought their new machines with the Duo Core processors had issues with Norton.

It appears, however, that I have been bit by a worm or something. I noticed in Spybot Start Items there was a blank line referenced to Agobot. I have searched high and low for info on the removal of this and I seem to be at a quagmire due to circumstances. Everything I attempt to do is thwarted by
a) error # 10061 prevents me from updating spybot, I was in the process of uninstalling Norton programs when the crap hit and now I cannot uninstall, repair, update or delete, Norton AV or Norton IS. I did delete the blank line from my startup but I am very concerned about not being able to uninstall norton or reinstall and update AVG, or any other AV program.

Other points of interest in my saga this week...everytime the machine boots, whether, cold or warm, there is an svchost.exe error that comes up stating "The instruction at "0x7c918fea" referenced memory at "0x00000010". The Memory could not be "written".

This is about to drive me crazy and I would be so grateful if anyone can help me out here. I am almost resolved to the fact that I will probably have to reinstall Windows and everything else, I have loaded the clothes, food, etc. to get me through the next week.