1-Is it safe to run the Secure Shredder tool on an SSD?
I mean this multiple passes writting thingy won't it affect the Cell life of the SSD?

2-Why upon running the Secure Shredder "without Admin privileges" always says that (shredding of the file C:\hello world.txt)? This file doesnt even exist on any of my drives.

3- In the interest of saving space on my SSD can I configure Spybot not to log files for every action it takes? Such as updates, scans, etc...?

4-While installing Spybot on my Win7 64bit machine I chose to integrate it with the Security Center. Yet, the security center still says that I have No anti spyware installed!!!!
PS I disabled the Win Defender & enabled the Tea Timer "Tea Timer is much better"

Been a Spybot user for over 6 yrs now "still loving it" but, I think its time for a new version with new features