
Zbot spreads thru fake email ...
January 13, 2012 - "... malicious SPAM campaign that is actively sent out by the Cutwail spam botnet. The suspicious email claims to be a bill summary from the New York-based energy company Con Edison, Inc. It may use the subject line “ConEdison Billing Summary as of <DATE>” and the attachment uses the filename format Billing-Summary-ConEdison-<random numbers>-<Date>.zip... The attached zip file contains an executable file, which unsurprisingly is a Zbot malware variant. When extracted, the malicious executable uses no disguise. It uses no fake icons of Adobe Reader or Microsft Word, no double file extensions, or excessive use of space in the file name to hide the .EXE extension... bill notifications do -not- usually arrive with an executable file - so emails like this should be treated with extreme suspicion. When you see these obvious signs of malware, just stop and delete the email..."