Hello, My computer has been slowing down recently. I have Avast [the paid version] and while it has found some low level infections, it has found NOTHING in email which makes me wonder if that might be the source of an infection.

I have been watching and studying my registry for a long time. I have found what I believe are many irregularities...too many unknown user accounts. I have over 11,000 songs on my hard drive and Amazon Cloud, which I recently deleted. [the Cloud that is.] I am using a wired Cisco router E-2500, with IPv6 and my wireless adapter disabled. Yet I continue to see references to wireless activity in the registry. I found Cisco Webex in my downloads which I do not recall downloading. I think that my router is being used as an access point.

Also in Management console tasks, I see a constant updating of a Windows Media Center media package compiled and ready for use though I rarely use WMC. Also, despite the fact that I turn off file sharing in Control Panel...it continues to be reset to "Share files. And many other little things too numerous to mention.

Please help. I await your instructions. Many thanks.