Hi Jess37,

Firefox still doesn't want to install it...Untitled.jpg and do you know how to hide that bar at the bottom??? It's kinda going on my nerves (but anyway I don't use firefox that much)
If you don't use FF that much then you can just skip it, or try and install it at a later date.

The bar at the bottom is part of No Script (one of the suggested items). You can try and click the "options" button in the bottom right hand corner and see if there is a setting that you are comfortable with. Or just disable No Script.

I don't really understand what it does but I understand that it protects my computer against bad websites. But I don't find where to download it (I clicked on the name and it sent me to a non friendly user interface XD too much text, can't find anything... can you help me for that? I'm not that good haha!)
You have done great so far, this shouldn't prove too difficult.

Here is a step by step overview of what you will be doing, and the windows you will encounter. >> http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hostswin7.htm - keep this tab open during the process

Download the MVPS Hosts file http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.zip, and Save it to a convenient location.

Simply locate the "hosts.zip" file you downloaded, by default it should be located in your "User" Download folder.
Highlight the file (single-click) then right-click and select > Extract All from the menu ...

Next: Make sure there is a check in the "Show extracted files when complete" option

Next: right-click the installer "mvps.bat" and select: Run as Administrator (see images from link provided)

OK the UAC prompt and the batch file will run ... which will backup the existing HOSTS file (HOSTS.MVP) then copy the updated HOSTS file to the proper location. You should see a completed prompt (press any key) and that's it ...

Voila ... you just added a Hosts File.