I was having trouble with my peripheral devices like headphones, keyboard, and so forth not working properly. Also I was having certain programs not working properly (Ie: Not shutting down when supposed to, freezing up, or refusing to start) Particularly with my 3D Software, and my favorite game, but also my programs like Serif Photoplus and Gimp were not working right either. I was using Spybot +AV program as my primary Antivirus/Antimalware program, and an online friend suggested I run Defender as a secondary line of defense. It found the above definition after running a full scan, and I took action. Nothing happened. It slowed it down, but didn't stop it. I tried running it in Offline Mode, but that did no good either. I looked it up and realized this is a type of Creepware that is used to remotely control my computer. Sometimes the computer even refuses to do what I want because it does not recognize me as the dominant Administrator. Thankfully it only does that if I have not run Antivirus and so forth in a while... It downloads multiple instances of Windows PowerShell which ties up my system. How do I get rid of this?