Noticed some settings got changed during last update:

1. Un-checked "Display available beta versions.

2. Blacklisted me from disabling Webshots screensaver.

3. Spybot opens with small screen, but once Maximized won't Restore Down.

4. Printing on main screen next to 3 buttons for Check/Recovery/Search seems to have tops and bottoms of letters cut off (in small screen).

That's all I've noticed, so far. Fixed the first two easy enough, but number three won't go away. Close Spybot, check Task Manager to ensure it's stopped, then open Spybot again and it comes up full-screen. And I thought number four might be because of my screen settings, but I can't check further because of number three.

Has anyone else had any of these problems? (Or others I haven't noticed?)

Thanks, Keith Warner