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Thread: Firewalls - Any Advice?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Firewalls - Any Advice?

    Do you experts have any advice about firewalls. I had a nasty infection(s) and, after solving my problem with the help of Steamwiz, I got my computer clean after a long and laborious process for both of us.

    After fixing the problem, I installed Zone Alarm as suggested in Tony Klein's post. Now, I've been doing a little research and it seems that a hardware firewall is recommended over a softwall firewall, particularly for protection of outgoing information.

    I was able to acquire a D-LInk DI-704P, and I have been trying to set it up. I've put a lot of time into it and it just seems so complicated! I'm wondering if you would recommend that I keep on plugging with that or should I look into buying a newer one - maybe the Alpha Shield -- looking like it is more novice-friendly.....???

  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hi there.

    I don't use Zone Alarm myself, (although many do like it a lot), as I find it too bloated for my taste.

    Comodo's free firewall is not hard to configure.

    Edit: I no longer use Comodo.

    Note: The Comodo Firewall download is now available only as part of a suite, which includes Comodo Firewall Pro and also Comodo Antivirus.
    During the install you will be offered options:
    Comodo Internet Security comes with a collection of vital security needs for your PC. Please select products you wish to install or unselect products you wish to uninstall in order to continue.

    First you will see:
    Install Comodo AntiVirus.
    Install Comodo Firewall.

    You may wish to uncheck during installation, "Install Comodo SafeSurf..", "Make Comodo my default search provider" and "Make Comodo Search my homepage", and install the firewall ONLY.


    If you want to look into hardware though, I suggest you take a look here: dslreports.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by tashi; 2009-10-25 at 07:04. Reason: Edit
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    hi dancingqueen,

    nothing wrong with using both a hardware and software firewall. do you need both? depends on your computing habits. just about any router has some kind of rudimentary firewall built in to it. Its the software firewall (ZA) that provides the out going prompts.

    your router shouldnt be that difficult to set up. you are following the setup guide or install wizard? once setup you can forget about it other than a occasional reboot.

    shelf life
    How Can I Reduce My Risk?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Default Thanks for the Advice....

    However, the one thing I'll say about Comodo, which I have installed - twice now, actually - because the first time I installed it, it started sending me all of these messages right away - and I didn't know how to respond to them. Such as: C/Windows/explorer.exe has tried to use svchost.exe through OLE automation, which can be used to hijack other applications. explorer,exe might be using svchost.exe to access the internet.

    The first time, I denied everything I saw, mainly out of fear of allowing anything dangerous....and then I couldn't get on Skype or, more importantly, the Internet.

    Another message I got was: Generic host process for Win32 services is trying to connect to the internet. What would you like to do? Once again, the second time, I said "allow" -- basically to everything that poped up right after I installed it. NOw, the internet and Skype both seem to work. But the shield for Windows Securtiy is still red. Is that because it doesn't recognice Comodo and thinks my computer is at risk with no firewall?

    Eeekkk! I hate to mess up my recently cleaned computer but I really want a firewall too! If I can just get it right, I'm sure it will help a lot.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Default Thanks for the hardware advice as well...

    I'm going to figure out this software (Comodo) one before I tackle the hardware one. I will say that I have acquired (at a low price) a used D-LInk DI-704P. Do you consider it a viable option?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    hi dancingqueen,

    ive never used comodo. software firewalls can often flood the user with all kinds of prompts. just allowing all traffic or clicking thru the prompts wont do you any good if you happen to have a trojan on your computer. questioning it is good-- if you are malware free alittle experimenting might help. deny processes and make sure you still have functionality like web browsing, email, program updates etc. better yet visit the comodo firewall forum and poke around the FAQ and topics. most likely you will find the answer there.
    yes, that d-link router would add a good layer of protection for your over all security.
    Last edited by tashi; 2007-12-19 at 21:38. Reason: Pinned
    How Can I Reduce My Risk?

  7. #7
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    I recommend comodo's free firewall. Zonealarm's firewall used to be highly recommended, but now it has become too bloated for the average user.

    The paid version is good, but comodo's free version is the best.

  8. #8
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    "On the minus side the IDS is initially rather talkative and this can unnecessarily alarm inexperienced users. There have also been reports that the new version 3 has some new version bugs so it may be better to wait a couple of months until the new version has stabilized before installing. Additionally Comodo has been known to conflict with some other security products. However for the technically initiated who can cope with these annoyances this is an outstanding free product and an easy first choice." Gizmo -

    one option you can go to (sorry I can't tell you the exact location, im on a different computer) shows you the intensity of the messages shown - i set mine to 'low'


  9. #9
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    about comodo firewall

  10. #10

    Wink i dont find zonealarm....

    to be bloated at all. Comodo is good, i like it, but i prefer za as a much easier firewall to set and maintain. I think it is much easier to use for the average user, as comodo gets to detailed sometimes. When someone doesn't know much about computers, and i secure there systems, i use zonealarm and most feedback i get from people is that it is easy to understand and use. Try one or the other, and pick the one you like best.

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