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Thread: Microsoft Releasing Viruses?!?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Angry Microsoft Releasing Viruses?!?

    let me start from the beginning, yesterday i was playing a game on my computer and noticed that the windows update icon had poped up to inform me that there was an update from microsoft.
    i opened it and it said that it was a cumulitive security update,(i thought to myself, not another one!!! so many updates is severly reducing my harddrive space. oh if i knew how that thought would comeback to bite me)

    everything appeared normal about this update so i let it do its thing, after updating it wanted to restart. a little odd but ok. it restarted then went to the diskcheck screen, thats odd i thought, it didnt appear to have crashed but i had also looked away so after the time reached zero i began what i thought was a disk check, after it verified that my files were ok, it sistamaticly deleted every stinking file on my computer and i couldnt stop it, just watch as it deleted all my hard work and personal files, files i couldnt replace or back up, some i could, games that would take me a year to get back the way i had it set up. (modding) . after that it booted up, then restarted and did it again and deleted the windows opperating system.
    this was the most destructive virus i ever met.

    does ANYONE have any answeres as to why microsoft did this and WHY!!?? and why cant these @#*($%#@ be prosecuted?? whoever made this needs to spend the rest of there lives in a 4x4 cell. if i find them, they will wish for a 3x3 cell and rats to eat for the rest of there lives.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    why microsoft did this and WHY!!??
    Because they want you to buy Windows 7 which coincidentally was released on Oct. 22 so they sent you a "update" to help you out.

    Really, MS had nothing to do with it.
    How Can I Reduce My Risk?

  3. #3
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Hello vlad_tepes,

    Microsoft doesn't release viruses on a customer's computer, it sounds like you picked up an infection. There are rogues which impersonate Microsoft updates and many security programs.

    Quote Originally Posted by vlad_tepes View Post
    let me start from the beginning, yesterday i was playing a game on my computer and noticed that the windows update icon had poped up to inform me that there was an update from microsoft.
    i opened it and it said that it was a cumulitive security update,(i thought to myself, not another one!!!
    Where did you get the game from, was it a new one?

    When necessary, Microsoft provides a new security update on the second Tuesday of each month and publishes a bulletin to announce the update.
    As part of Microsoft's routine, monthly security update cycle, we released 13 new security updates on October 13, 2009.

    Best regards.
    Last edited by tashi; 2009-10-23 at 00:28. Reason: Posted on top of shelf life ;-)
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tashi View Post
    Hello vlad_tepes,

    Microsoft doesn't release viruses on a customer's computer, it sounds like you picked up an infection. There are rogues which impersonate Microsoft updates and many security programs.

    Where did you get the game from, was it a new one?
    OK, let me just say that I'm not a newb when it comes to security. I'm not even on the average line, I take security very seriously.
    in fact i had run a full virus scan (as a routine) with AVG that morning.
    the day before i updated,immunized and run a scan with Spy-bot, 3 hours after that another scan with windows defender. and several time a day i run scans using yahoo anti spy.

    the game i referred to has been on my computer for a long time and isn't in question.

    what I'm saying is my system received a cumulative security update from the Microsoft servers.
    what the numbers were that was assigned to the update i don't remember, but they were there.
    whether that update was dispatched by the employees of Microsoft i have no way of telling but it, at least passed through there servers.

    so if its not from Microsoft then there is a new one that is VERY convincing and VERY destructive.
    Last edited by vlad_tepes; 2009-10-24 at 01:21.

  5. #5
    Esteemed Member
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    Just a note about your sequence of events and what might really have happened.

    Several years ago, the event that first got me involved with Spybot S&D and eventually the forums was a similar 'virus' that destroyed the Windows 95 operating system on my PC at that time. I'm still not certain exactly where I picked it up, but at the time I did identify it and found it's components after running a Windows 2000 upgrade over the top of the missing OS so I could also recover my personal files.

    The point of similarity here is that I had no idea any malware had entered the PC at all until I performed an otherwise normal reboot, I believe to perform some kind of upgrade or patch, though I don't recall for what program or if it was Windows itself. I became aware of the issue only after the PC began to load the OS and then ran something that deleted the Windows and several other critical folders and then forced another reboot, which of course crippled the system.

    In any case, I had been going to some sites in the day or two before this event that probably actually installed the malware, and I believe that the upgrade/patch I performed had nothing to do with it. In fact, I confirmed this based on the time date stamps on the remaining malware files which I discovered after regaining control with the Windows 2000 install.

    So my point is that even though events sometimes appear to be related they may not be and actually might simply be coincidence. If you really had malware it may simply have been too new for your AVG or other tools to recognize it.

    It's also possible that what you saw has another explanation, though I'd have to see it myself to make even an educated guess. The only thing that immediately jumps out at me is the apparent automatic checkdisk, since that generally only occurs if the operating system detects errors during the loading process for critical Windows system files. If that's what occured, the result could be just about anything, since an unstable system can cause all sorts of issues including even worse crashes. Thus a simple failed update that corrupted critical system files and destroyed your OS is a very believable scenario, even if it has never happened before.

    So please don't jump to conclusions without specific proof, especially that malware found it's way into Microsoft supplied updates, since to me that seems the most unlikely scenario of those discussed here.


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