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Thread: !!!Bad checksum!?

  1. #11
    Esteemed Member
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    Oct 2005


    Computersweeper: Where (Major City, State) are you located and who is your ISP? I've never had a problem with the new BN Fileforum server in the Central US, though the SecurityWonks servers tend to be heavily loaded and the SaferNetworking servers are in Europe. It sounds to me like on top of the server issues you're having network issues, as most such reports have disappeared since the servers were re-worked a couple weeks ago.

    Frankenstien: Once you've selected a server that usually works well for you in the Update Servers pull-down list, right-click the server name (not in the list, on the menu bar) and click 'Set this server as the preferred download location'. This server should become the default until you come back and either click 'clear preferred mirror setting' or pick a different one.

    <<< EDIT >>>
    OK, md usa spybot fan wins the race this time. We're now neck and neck at one tromped on post apiece. His is easier to read, but I answered two questions in one post. So there!
    Last edited by bitman; 2005-11-09 at 02:10.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2005


    Ahhhhhhh ... I did not know you could do that ... thanks md usa spybot fan, and, bitman ...
    FYI - the See-Cure #1 (Europe) mirror is still a regular problem (bad checksums) from the Vancouver, B.C., Canada area (ISP is [ADSL]).

    Also, is the new Spybot S&D version advice issue going to be addressed in future releases ... do you guys think?
    In every corporate organization, there will be an individual who knows everything that goes on at any given moment - this person MUST be fired immediately!

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2005
    Dublin, Ireland

    Default A little update from Dublin, Ireland

    FYI, folks - I had been having difficulty with updates for some time now, getting "bad checksum" messages.

    Many thanks to everyone, though, for the tips in this thread - They seem to have solved the problem, and I'm totally up-to-date.

    Just so you're aware:

    See Cure #1 (Europe) and See Cure #2 (Europe) did not work for me; eventually, Safer Networking #1 (Europe) allowed me to successfully download my updates.
    (ISP is eircom - Location is Dublin, Ireland.)

    Thanks again for the info!

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2005

    Cool Error 403

    Hi... I've got a simular problem like you all were talking about, but I can't select an other server... Spybot tells me to search for updates first before I can get a list of download mirrors. But when searching for updates I get that "error 403"... what might be wrong? Recently I changed from dialupline to cable... can it be some mistake in settings?


  5. #15
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    After you get the error 403,check and see if you can select a server from the list then.
    If you can't,you can download the detections manually from this page:
    This is the direct download link:

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2005

    Default Still...

    Tanx... via the link I could download the updates...

    First I tried again via the update button but no... after having that error 403 I still didn't get any list of servers... there's no cure for that?

  7. #17
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Could you go to C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates and tell me if there is an online.ini file in there?

    Also,is error 403 the whole error message that you get?

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2005

    Default ini?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia
    Could you go to C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates and tell me if there is an online.ini file in there?

    Also,is error 403 the whole error message that you get?

    there's some file there called online, but no .ini behind the filename...

    this is what I get:

    Fout bij binnenhalen van update info-bestand !
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

  9. #19
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Okay,don't worry about the no .ini part,I just have folder options configured to show extensions for known file types,so I would see the .ini,most people wouldn't.

    I'm not real sure why you can't select another mirror after you check for an update.

    There's an HTTP error 403 mentioned here,along with bad checksums:
    You could try checking for updates from within Spybot every once in awhile,and see if you can get a successful update that way.

    If not,you could check for a manual Detections update with the right date on the downloads page:
    Update announcements are here:

  10. #20
    Junior Member K.Blam's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by md usa spybot fan
    "Bad Checksum" problems can be overcome in most cases by changing the download server (site) as follows:
    1. Do not click "Search for Updates" again.
    2. Using the pull-down site selection menu (between the "Search for Updates" and "Download Updates" buttons) select another server.
    3. After changing the download server click "Download Updates" again.
    4. If you get another "Bad Checksum", repeated Steps 2 & 3 (using a 3rd or 4th server if necessary) until all updates are received.
    This procedure worked for me -- more than a month after I was first unable to update Spybot. Why so long? I didn't find the solution sooner.

    I'm on my less used computer and I haven't been worrying much about its security -- I do use other spyware/malware detection programs. Shortly before the holidays I tried to update and got the dreaded "!!!Bad Checksum!" result. I checked the Spybot site, fairly superficially, I suppose, and didn't find any information. So I uninstalled the old version and installed the new -- and got the same result. Then I was gone for a couple of weeks. I tried to update again after I got home: Same "!!!". I tried maybe twice more in the interim (ditto), and then tonight I started getting doggedly systematic about it and found my way to this thread via Google.

    Thanks, MD FAN, for posting a solution. Question is, why doesn't Spybot make it easier to find? :(


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