
TFTR. I was confused by the suggestion:

and change the value from:
"WindowState"=dword:00000000 bzw. "WindowState"=dword:00000001
"WindowState"=dword:00000000 bzw. "WindowState"=dword:00000000

I was not sure what "bzw" meant and why there are two listings on each line in these instructions.

Ultimately, this is what I did to fix it.

The registry setting was on 0 already, so I set it to 1 and tried SpyBot but it just stayed minimized. Then, I closed the program with Windows TaskManager. Next, I reset the registry setting to 0 and reloaded the program and it ran in normal windowed mode.

Notes: I am running version 1.6.2 but I could not easily confirm that as I could not get to the UI of the program. Anyway, all's well that end's well. I am trying out version 2 now so hopefully the new version won't experience this issue.

Thanks again,
