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Thread: Will there be a faster version or shall I use whitelist ?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    May 2014

    Default Will there be a faster version or shall I use whitelist ?

    Hello, I have in the other PC Windows 8.1 OEM in a C:\ with 400 Go, nothing inside except windows updates, skype, libreoffice, well really less then 10 new programs.
    And last analysis of only C:\ did took 10 hours. I have put pro because new Windows 8.1 was taking at first install and libreoffice not opening (because I had not found yet how to use compatibility option with Windows XP) and did 4 times re-install of Windows 8.1. Took 4 days to do my installs + scan.
    I did whitelist twice because it was too long from the beginning, so before and after first windows updates.

    I'm asking myself if I should whitelist Windows with all my programs to scan faster ? Or if I should wait for a Spybot update for Windows 8.1 ?

    Thank you a lot.

    L'analyse a duré 10:02:08 heures.
    L'analyse a trouvé 21 résultats.
    Vérifier la liste des résultats pour les détails.

    Tous les 220016 éléments sont vaccinés!

  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    If your system is under 30 days old and you're pretty sure your computer is uninfected,then you might want to use the white list,yes.:

    Which version of Spybot do you have?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Hello, I have Spybot search and destroy + AV 2.4, and type in french is particulier professional (like home).

    It's for personnal use although I have small business not important at home with no income. It's more because I'm afraid of everything a new Windows can get. Just took this version for one year.

    I'm not going to use a lot Windows except for Windows programs. I'm very familiar with Ubuntu so I had no problem putting double boot although it's no evidence with Windows 8.1. Windows 8.1 will only last less then one year (don't know if it's true). Ubuntu new LTS version is faster, no bugs, all my fav programs and last from april 2014 to april 2019 (Trusty Tahr). Don't try double boot with Ubuntu while they did not solve new security issues with Windows and if you're not familiar with installing it any how. (The truth is there is no danger if you can see what you can't. )

    So both my operating systems are very balanced and well working. 100% confidence.

    What made Windows 8.1 beeing trusty (word game) is Spybot. Before I only had while installing any setup.exe.

    I'm not familiar with Windows so I don't know what is the difference between 8.1 and XP.

    From my not at all informatician and linux user point of view. Windows 8.1 makes me feel like first Ubuntu I had tryed and entered that is Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.

    I feel Windows 8.1 have gone backwards in time :
    - most people have ethernet connexion detection problems with new hardware
    - setup.exe accepts install serial A then B and no more parallel A in the same time then B, this causes programs not to work
    - it's easyer to launch some kind of updated DOS called in french " invite de commandes (admin)
    - Windows has too many useless files

    And what is different from old linux core :
    - programs are very slow althought 6 Gb of RAM (Linux use Swap space so no need of RAM / DOS needs a lot more RAM)
    - I have some strange feeling Windows 8.1 is cyclic when being analysed by Spybot, but not sure, it goes forward then backwards then forward
    - every single program has it's reason to connect itself to firewall and to internet, a lot of " windows " for online applications
    - last 4th install had to say yes to all tracks, although I deactivate what I could after install. I was beginning to think that was a reaction from Windows to not track instruction. And Windows defender alone does not block when I start installing my setups.exe.
    - there is OneDrive and Acer Docs as clouds pre-installed

    My ethernet connexion is working for me for a reason I won't explain. I say it's luck. But it's nonetheless true that Spybot also made better in ethernet connexion when it was not working and when I did not knew what to do.

    When I analyse with Spybot and not only when, for all my tasks, since it is a new PC, I had the marvelous idea of electricity connexion with no battery. So that 10 hours of analysis will never kill the battery since it's not there. Don't know if I'll ever get out with my PC but I believe this battery will last years.

    Anyway the most amazing thing about Windows 8.1 is the ethernet connexion problem and the installing A then B, this proves Windows 8.1 core is DOS like and no more Windows XP like.

    I wanted to tell something else. No need to buy Windows 8.1 pro to get virtualisation of Windows XP because it is included but it is called compatibility mode. And Windows 8.1 can detect automatically if asked with right click for wich version of Windows each program was created, although some Windows 7 programs are fake Windows 7 and still work better under Windows XP. And then skip the setup. And then do the setup only as administrator with right click.

    I also think. But did not try. VirtualBox error of compatibility is not related to you and to vaccination as said by VirtualBox, but that VirtualBox should be installed with compatibility mode with Windows XP throught administration install.

    I did not thought that but since compatibility mode is free Windows XP virtualisation without having to install Hyper V or VirtualBox or VirtualPC or VMWare, and without seeing Windows XP and without having to buy it. I think Windows is only " selling " hyper V for those who did not understood they did not need it.

    And I think Windows 8.1 will only last one year because it's a kind of post DOS project like past Ubuntu linux 9.04 where same problems did exist. And I think it is because of these unsolved hardware problem that Windows offers free virtualisation without saying it loud (could have gone commercial) and only with 7, 8, Vista and XP cores.

    I have almost nothing installed in it as a brand new PC. Maybe will install more 2 or 3 things. After next malware and anti-virus Spybot's analysis and next vaccination. Will do another whitelist.

    Spybot don't understands very well OneDrive when trying I think it was rootkits, something like that. Windows 8.1 likes a lot the without C:\ letter, the same as any linux, but in a DOS way of seeing personnal folders, for clouds (I hope it's the right word to speak of OneDrive) and for inner structure. And it comes also with something that did not exist and that is not NTFS, a very complex 4 or 5 structure. But I prefer staying with C:\ since other structures are either my files shared with Ubuntu either the weird Windows 8.1 structures hidden or not hidden, either my hidden Ubuntu. (did not dig this subject)

    So thank you a lot for saying as no risk, no risks. Even thought I saw in firewall, Windows is complex, everything you uninstall won't be deleted from firewall (like drivers detection program). Exemple, this plugin is still opened in firewall although not functional because uninstalled. But I don't understand firewalls so I won't touch a thing.

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Yes,I've heard good things about Ubuntu.,would that be you getting redirected by that before?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Yes. Thank you a lot for your advice.

    I did the whitelist. This time analysis took almost 17h for 20 results. 220016 elements were vaccinated, so same as before although uninstalled and installed a few programs. Now windows have startup menu (users were asking in many forums).

    There is a big error related to Windows 8.1 it says I have 3 PCs with my Spybot Licence. But my other old PC is Ubuntu only. And neither my sister neither my mother are interested in Spybot neither in malware detection. I did no " installation d'usine " (re-install from inside) since I have installed Pro version. I had a few days not-Pro version before upgrading to Pro version. My installation is correct on C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2. I have only clicked 1 time on spybot2-licence.exe. There is no other anti-virus installed for now.

    I think Windows 8.1 is responsible for this. I have saved twice spybot2-licence.exe on E:\ as a program for not to loose it. But E:\ is just a shared partition with no operating system on it. My other OS is Ubuntu on a not visible partition as the only double boot. And although I have official Windows XP CD and key, I won't install it on virtual machine, because I don't need a virtual machine since I have a compatibility mode.

    So it is an error.

    Thanks again.

    === Quotes from Spybot (in french) ===

    L'analyse a duré 16:52:38 heures.
    L'analyse a trouvé 20 résultats.
    Vérifier la liste des résultats pour les détails.

    Tous les 220016 éléments sont vaccinés!
    Quarantaine > Purger...
    Paramètres > Boîte de dialogue > Proposer la création d'une liste blanche système

    Votre liste blanche a été créée avec succès et cela va accélerer l'analyse de 195084 fichiers à l'avenir.

    Autres clients détectés
    Il y a actuellement 3 clients Spybot protégeant des PCs sur votre réseau. Cela pourrait constituer une violation de votre

    contrat de licence Edition Home ou Professional.

    Votre licence ne concerne qu'un seul ordinateur!

  6. #6
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    You're welcome.
    No,saving spybot2-licence.exe shouldn't cause the 3 pcs warning,I have spybot2-licence.exe saved as a backup,too.
    I don't know a whole lot about the licenses and can't help with that,so I'm going to refer you to Spybot support.
    You'll want to click on the Home and Professional Editions form.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    May 2014


    Thanks for the advice, Zenobia

    I did not knew there was other forums, I'll try them :D

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Message sent.

    Is there a way to put [solved] for the whitelist question ?

  9. #9
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    No,there isn't a way to mark solved on this forum.Good luck with support.

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