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Thread: Upgrade to v2.4 results in loss of clean temporary files

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Glasgow UK

    Default Upgrade to v2.4 results in loss of clean temporary files

    Hi Spybotters,

    I upgraded from 2.2 to 2.4 free version and the facility for cleaning temporary files has disappeared. Can anyone tell me

    1. Is this normal for 2.4?

    2. If not how can I get the temporary removal facility back?

    With 2.2 I had been in the habit of removing the temporary files prior to a scan so I would like it back.

    Thanks to all who offer help.


  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    The offer to clean temp files should return once you've accumulated a set amount of temporary files once again.I can't remember exactly how many,but around 100 to 200ish is the set amount,I think.

    Edit:Found it!
    If they've stuck with the same amount since 1.6.2,then the minimum number of temp files needed before Spybot offers to clean them is 100:
    Last edited by Zenobia; 2014-10-17 at 02:21.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Glasgow UK

    Default Thanks

    Hi Zenobia,

    many thanks to you for a quick reply. I look forward to the return of this facility as it helps to keep my pc clean and removes the debris created by other programs e,g, WD Smartware produces but does not remove etileqs files in the temp folder.

    Five stars for a speedy accurate solution.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Glasgow UK

    Default Postscript

    Hi again Zenobia,

    I read the link you posted and a question arose. The guy there says that he has never been prompted to run the cleaner and I have to admit neither have I. In scan mode, in the top left pane there was always the option "Clean temporary files" and I used to use that rather than wait for the prompt. Do you think that this option will appear after I reach 100+ temporary files? or has that item been removed as an option.

    Thanks again


  5. #5
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    You're welcome.

    The "Clean temporary files" should appear under scan after you've accumulated 100+ files.The prompt isn't used in Spybot 2.4.The post I linked to was an older post where they would have been using Spybot 1.6.2,so that you could see where I remembered the 100+ files statement from.Cleaning temp files was available then,but you were prompted instead of seeing it on the scan page,if I'm recalling that right.
    md usa spybot fan probably hadn't been prompted because he hadn't accumulated 100+ temp files yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Glasgow UK

    Default System scan options

    Hi again Zenobia,

    what happened with the version that I was using was Start Centre>Select System scan>run and the system scan page would come up. Under system scan in the top left hand pane i.e Start a scan, Pause scan etc was the facility to Clean Temporary files I think that it was second bottom above Help. That was where I used to run the temporary file cleaner. If selected it would come up with say 25 files detected and you could select clean after which there may have been 2 or 3 files which were not deleted which I thought was because that they were in current use.

    Do you think that this option will reappear after I have the 100+ temporary files?


  7. #7
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Yes,that option will return after you have 100+ temp files.I have Spybot 2.4,and I cleared temp files with it last night.If I'd of thought of it I would have taken a screenshot for you.
    The option to clear temp files will appear on the System Scan page.It will have a yellow line on the side of it,there will be a small blurb about why the temp files were detected/located,and explaining if they are removed that the scan will probably be faster,with a button to click to remove the temp files.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Glasgow UK

    Default Thanks

    Hi Zenobia,

    thanks again for the fast reply. I look forward to getting the Clean Temporary Files facility back. I suspect that the upgrade messed up the file count somehow.

    Anyway five stars to you for your great work.


  9. #9
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    You're welcome.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Glasgow UK

    Default What temporary files are cleared

    Hi Zenobia,

    can you say what temporary files are cleared by Spybot once they get to 100+? In Vista if I put %temp% in Start search and execute I get a listing of the temporary files. Is that where Spybot is looking for its 100+ files or are there other temporary files elsewhere on the system? When it gets to 100+ does it delete back to 100 or take them all in one go? With the previous version it offered to clean temporary files with every scan and never reported cleaning 100 files.

    I ask this because SB is still not offering to clean these files and if I knew what files it was looking at then I could monitor these manually to see if the facility reappears when I get to 100+.

    Thanks for your help and sorry to be a pest.

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