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Thread: SBS&D no longer works

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default SBS&D no longer works

    Hi and sory for the newbie comments and questions,

    I have been using SBS&D successfully and happily on my Windows XP Pro SP2 system for a number of years, however over the last few days I have been unable to open the main program.

    Things that I have done just prior to this problem have been to update to the latest version of SBS&D and to download and install a freeware security program called Spyware Terminator.

    In my attempts to fix the problem I have uninstalled SBS&D and reinstalled it in safe-mode - where it seemed to work. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled Spyware Terminator but all to no avail.

    I understand that both programs have "real time shields" and that this may be a problem so SBS&D Tea Timer is disabled at the moment. However I still cannot open the main SBS&D program.

    I would honestly like to keep both SBS&D and the newer Spyware Terminator but I obviously need help and advice in order to do it.


    Last edited by laopa; 2006-10-23 at 04:15.
    still crazy after all these years

  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Hi there.

    Please see this topic:

    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
    Windows Insider MVP 2016-2018
    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2006

    Default SBS&D and Spyware Terminator


    After reinstalling SBS&D yet again in normal mode and downloading the updates for 20th October 06 everything seems to be fixed. I did notice something a bit wacky though the number of identified problems in SBS&D did drop from around 59,000 to around 50,000 after the update of the 20th?????

    I am assuming SBS&D plus the Tea Timer will still work after a reboot but I have not done it yet!

    I think the issue of Spyware Terminator being a "maybe questionable item" is fixed. Even Spyware Warrior seems to give it the OK.

    GIZMO at is also giving it the OK now and a pretty good but not perfect review and that is where I took my lead from.

    Never had any Internet connectivity issues after installing it, just could not start SBS&D.

    Thanks for the input and I will be back if it all falls over again tomorrow morning.

    still crazy after all these years

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2006

    Default Opps rebooting brought some extra issues

    Hi Again,

    Back after rebooting my system this morning which produced some interesting issues. SBS&D would not work again although the Tea Timer loaded. The Desk Top short cut Icon would not allow me to open the program. Nor would the right click option on the Tea Timer.

    Used Windows Explorer to go the the file folder in Programs and tried clicking on SpybotSd.exe ...... no luck. Clicked on Update.exe and the dam thing opened a command prompt and then the actual program.

    Created a new shortcut Icon using the Update.exe and I can now open and run SBS&D by an effective but questionable means.

    Went back and killed the old Desk Top short cut Icon for SBS&D and in the Advanced Mode, Settings, then Settings option checked Desk Top Icon and also Quick Launch Icon to Advanced Mode.

    New Desk Top Icon appeared on the Desk Top and clicking on this will now open SBS&D. Weird but true. Can not wait to reboot and see what happens next time!!

    Keeping the Desk Top Update Icon though ........ just in case.

    Any ideas.

    still crazy after all these years

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