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Thread: Seeking New Machine

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Thumbs up Seeking New Machine

    I am currently in the process of selecting a complete upgrade of my current(7 year old) computer system. I have encountered some information regarding computers that are equipped with a 'tetrabyte' of memory at the time of their purchase. I have been unable to obtain any information regarding manufacturer or retailer of a computer so equipped. I would greatly appreciate any input that you could offer. While I fully recognize that you may not be willing or able to offer an endorsement for any one machine or system over any other, I would still welcome any input regarding a 'new' computer system.
    My primary usage of my home system is for household use, turbo tax, word processing, internet/web surfing, fairly extensive gaming both from the desktop and online. I have encountered advice that I should purchase a machine with both windows 2000 XP professional AND windows vista installed, that I should have at least 2 and as many as 4 cd/dvd drives/burners installed, that it is in my best interest to have the 'professional' versions of any and all installed programs as these receive far better tech support/update options than the 'personal' use programs. I am also completely uncertain as to ANYTHING regarding drivers/graphics/sound card-systems. I want very much to 'upgrade' my ability to continue on to the 'vista' only versions of several pc games that have been recently released such as HALO 2 and 3. a secondary concern would be that I am able to 'link' a new system with my current gateway pc that uses windows 2000XP professional for the purpose of transferring programs and data but this could be done without such linkage, though not as easily.
    I welcome any input that you can offer, whether stated preferences or links to online resources that I might peruse. I am 100% against any transition into Apple or Mac.
    I have enabled other forum members to E mail me, i would ask that you atgtempt to keep techno speak to a minimum as I am NOT truly computer savvy. I am an accomplished user but that does not translate into technical knowledge.
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Senior Member drragostea's Avatar
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    Hello. I have heard of a hardrive with a terrabyte capacity (around 1,000 GB), but I have never heard of tetrabyte. I have several friends who built their own computers, with 2+ CD/DVD burners. As well for gaming (I rarely play computer games >;P) I would suggest purchasing a Intel Duo Core Extreme if they still sell it at a retailer. I personally use a Intel Pentium 4 with 3.00 Ghz and I found that it runs smoothly after half a decade. I have played Halo 1 on my XP... and it took a thousand MBs. What you purchase it totally up to you. Hope this helps. >:D

  3. #3
    Senior Member drragostea's Avatar
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    Exclamation ?

    I know something about the Windows OS (operating systems) but I'm not sure if you can find any OS's with both Windows 2000/XP and Vista installed at the same time. From how I see it, a operating system can only run one version at a time.

  4. #4
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drragostea View Post
    From how I see it, a operating system can only run one version at a time.
    In a sense, however one can dual boot:
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  5. #5
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Alienware :alien:

    Im not a gaming kinda person, but if you want a good gaming machine that fits most of your criteria I recommend taking a look at alienware

  6. #6
    Senior Member drragostea's Avatar
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    @tashi. Ah, many thanks. Now I know what dual boot is >:D. But still, wouldn't that cause conflicts because there are two OS's in one drive? Unless... there are two drives, one OS for each. I find that hard to manage... I rather have a desktop and labtop lols.

  7. #7
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drragostea View Post
    But still, wouldn't that cause conflicts because there are two OS's in one drive?
    One would have to partition the hard drive.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member drragostea's Avatar
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    tashi... not the person with a sense of humor... Ah. Where was I... back to topic. Yes.

  9. #9
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    That didn't answer your question?
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  10. #10
    Senior Member drragostea's Avatar
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    Yes, it did. When did I say it did not?

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