Hi Tash,

So, in other words, disabling Live Protection disables AV, thereby avoiding the conflict? Frankly, I'm finding Spybot to be very effective. I've tried the free edition on my old PC, it cleaned that sucker up!

The computer is slower now after i upgraded to Windows 10, and i get random mouse freezes while browsing on Chrome.

I have a question which i hope you could shed some light on; I am unable to "display DNS" it only shows a couple of entries for Google client and others with Norton.Symantec. It definitely does not show my DNS cache which should be a 100 pages long. What's up with that? I mean is it possible the Norton Firewall is not allowing the display of the full DNS? I remember there's a file in System32 which includes the entire DNS cache, what was its name again?

Thank you Tashi, your assistance is appreciated. Have a good one!