View Full Version : spybot 1.4 Immunization leaves 5 more to immunize

2006-12-29, 11:06
Updated to spybot 1.4 yesterday and updated everything needed. I go to immunize and it tells me there is still 5 more to immunize so please re-immunize. I immunize again and it says all is covered, I click check again and it says 5 more need doing please immunize. So it seems 5 wont immunize at all, any idea what to do about it?


2006-12-29, 11:15

This is a little bug in Spybot - Search & Destroy. The programm tries to immunize other accounts.
Probably, you do not have the rights to immunize because you are running Spybot-S&D as a normal user and not as admin.
As a current solution you can try to "Undo" the Immunisation. Now the bad products are allowed.
Then "Immunize" again. This should solve the problem for now.
We are about to locate this bug and fix it.
The fix will be downloadable with our next program upgrade.
We hope that it will be available soon.

Some more information is availible in our forum:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2006-12-29, 11:39

I will just leave it then till the bug gets fixed, I guess its doing no harm.

Just thought I'd mention though that my sister has had a similar problem for about 3 years now, always leaving 3 to be immunized. She updates everything but it still stays like that

We are both on win 98 ie6 if that makes any difference. Shes on se though and I'm just on 98

2007-01-02, 03:11
Good to know that it's not just me - tentative workaround would be to *not* use the SSD-Immunize page for 'updating' the immunization (after you've done the initial Immunize and set it how you like) - loops tend to degrade user-confidence/ uselessly increase paranoia/ sometimes send users on a 'break-it-by-trying-to-fix-it' mission :(

*Instead* use the Settings-Settings page, scroll down to Automation-Program Start and tick the checkbox for "Immunize on program start if program has been updated." - (pay no attention to the loopy ±5 bug on the SSD-Immunize page;)

Hopefully this will do the trick after a 'manual' external update via grabbing the includes file from the main page (oh well, the internal updater /used/ to work before the v1.3 update anomalies tricked me into 'upgrading' :-/ to 1.4, not that I'm complaining about some minor fussing about that is merely a seeming inconvenience so far;)