View Full Version : Any Beta work?

2005-10-28, 06:02
I'm very very pleased with TeaTimer now. Just started to actually use it daily (with no issues). In past just tested it during beta runs. Really impressed with it now.

Anwway. We all know the issues with the popup window being aschewed. I did find a ?fix? in the other forum, which works. So wondering when this fix (hack) will be made official? Need us to do any beta runs on it?

Also been wondering something. I have been using Mike Lin's "Startup Monitor" for years. I feel TeaTimer is doing alot (possible ALL) of what it does, so I should be able to stop using it. Pepi, can you sheed any light on this? Does TT do everything it does, hence I can discontinue its use, let TeaTimer roll?

2005-10-28, 06:30
testing testing testing 1 2 3 4

2005-10-28, 07:21
There's a thread over at Wilders Security Forums titled "Registry Monitor comparison" first posted in May of 2004, that has an excellent comparison chart of several of these, including both Startup Monitor and TeaTimer. Appears from the chart that Startup Monitor only monitors the 'Run' key in HKey_LocalMachine and each HKey_CurrentUser, TeaTimer does much more.

See the first post for the chart, which is kept updated. There are 13 pages of posts discussing these and updates to the programs, much more information than is worth repeating here.


2005-10-28, 07:44
Thankyou Sir, just what the Dr. ordered