View Full Version : Unable to remove FunWebProduct

2007-01-07, 00:19
I have run Spybot today and get a single entry for FunWebProduct that cannot be removed with the boot up scan. I have tried running Spybot in safe mode with exactly the same result.

The registry entry that Spybot is referring to is:


If I try and delete from regedit, I get an 'error while trying to delete key' and if I try and view any of the subkeys I get an 'error while opening key' message.

Whilst we have been infected with CoolWebSearch in the past, I can't see any app that might be causing the problem.

Anybody any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Or could it be a false positive?

Thanks for your help.

2007-01-08, 10:47

Which version of Spybot Search and Destroy do you run?
Do you have installed the latest updates?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-01-08, 12:20

Which version of Spybot Search and Destroy do you run?
Do you have installed the latest updates?

Best regards
Team Spybot

I have version 1.4 installed. I ran the check on 6th Jan and downloaded the latest updates before running the check. If there's any more specific information you require. let me know and I'll check when I get home tonight.

2007-01-08, 22:21
I have version 1.4 installed. I ran the check on 6th Jan and downloaded the latest updates before running the check. If there's any more specific information you require. let me know and I'll check when I get home tonight.

To confirm:
Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4
Last Detection Update: 2007-01-05

2007-01-11, 18:09
Any ideas, anyone.

2007-10-30, 16:41
It appears that authorizations to read/write some FunWebProduct registry entries are removed so Spybot - S&D should be able to set authorizations to properly delete these registry entries (scan at boot isn't needed).