View Full Version : NCast 'hang' on Running bot-check?

2007-01-23, 17:15
SSDv1.4 (updated to `070119 'includes' and advcheck.dll)

As of the `070112 updates, "Spybot-S&D/Search & Destroy/Check for problems" (scan) seemed to 'hang' for awhile on one particular item, bot-check (42067/57834: NCast). Bot-check scan usually took about 12 minutes total, but NCast was in the status-bar for about 4 1/2 minutes - is this any cause for concern? All other 'reads' in the status-bar were fairly momentary, at least as far as the "Spybot-S&D/Search & Destroy/Check for problems" (scan) went.

As of the `070119 updates, NCast now seems to initiate a 'terminal hang' - scan holds > 20 minutes at bot-check (40462/56396: NCast). If NCast is checked as an ignore/exclude on "Settings/Ignore Products" SpybotsC.sbi tab, the scan completes in about 5 minutes (or so). What is NCast and is it a cause for concern if it's 'ignored' pending further investigation?

2007-01-29, 03:53
As of the `070126 (spybotsd_includes) update, NCast still seems to require an 'ignore' of NCast for the SSD14 scan to complete - bot-check (40778/56623: NCast) is the 'terminal hang' point if it's not ignored now. Also, if a scan is aborted on a terminal hang the app seems to become less responsive (GUI-wise) and, after waiting a bit, an ALT+f x exits the app with an error message post-exit of "Spybotsd has caused an error in KERNEL32.DLL" (seems to be a fairly minor glitch as far as any basic system-functionality goes, however).

Hmm, I did find some info (external to the SSD homepage and this forum) regarding NCast and other 'undesirables' at:
Neither of the associated files nor the associated Registry key were on my system (afaik), but there were some keys that seem to be hostfile blocks for NCast - all neighboring keys were also 'undesirables' with value/data="0x00000004 (4)"

So I'd imagine it is safe to do an 'ignore product' of NCast in SSD14 (for me, anyway) if this is the only option to enable SSD14 to complete its scan. Problem solved, I guess :-/. But it might be a trifle more convenient if there were a 'master' tab in ignore products that listed ONLY the ignore(s) for simplified reference of current workaround(s) ;)

2007-01-30, 07:27

did you set up any download directory in Spybot? (advanced mode -> settings -> directories) :scratch: