View Full Version : Stops Running

ron c
2007-01-25, 20:39
I am having a problem with running spybot....It starts running and then stops almost like it is frozen at 5990. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still doesnt work...Thanks

md usa spybot fan
2007-01-25, 21:44
Personally I have no idea what could be causing the problem. However, when I run a scan Spybot blows by 5990 so quickly that I can't even tell what specific malware is being scanning for. Although it appears that Spybot may be checking for something like CoolWWWSearch.???, I can't be sure.

It may be helpful if you posted the entire contents of the scan status being displayed at the time that Spybot appears as if "… it is frozen at 5990."
"Running bot-check(xxxxx/yyyyy:zzzzzz)" where:
xxxxx = Current check count.
yyyyy = Total check count.
zzzzz = Malware check being performed.
In addition it would probably be helpful to anyone trying to analyze the problem to know:
The Windows software that you are running.
The version of Spybot you are running.
How long you waited with the Spybot "… frozen at 5990" before cancelling Spybot.
As well as information as whether or not this a new problem after previous successful Spybot scans in the past or if this is your first running of Spybot.
In addition, if this is a new problem after successfully running Spybot in the past, when did the problem start (after what updates, etc,)?

ron c
2007-01-25, 23:36
Thanks,,here is the information..Sorry about not including this initially.
Search and destroy
Running Bot Check 5999/56120 Cool WWW Search

Running Windows xp
Spybot 1.4
I have waited more than an hour with it at 5999
It ran fine prior to about a week ago
Downloaded several recent updates in past week or so,,,but do not know
which ones....the most recent ones posted .

Then , since it would not work, I uninstalled and then reinstalled,,then went to updates, downloaded them.Still no luck...

bob in ffort
2007-01-26, 23:17
I'm experiencing this problem also. AMD 64 processor, XP Home. Hangs in same place 5999/56633. Stopped working some time after 20070107. First incomplete run was on 20070113.

2007-01-30, 09:04
Try to boot your system in Safe mode and see whether you receive the same error message. Because in Safe mode, programs that are necessary for the system to function properly alone gets loaded.

bob in ffort
2007-01-30, 16:33
Ran in safe mode with same results. Cpu remained high even after stopping scan with its (spybot's) program control. Scanning is slow when I restart scanning - again with its program control.