View Full Version : What is wrong with this *&%$## program NOW?

2007-01-31, 12:03
I just have a HD format (again) due to some mORon claming to be a 'puter repair business with 3) locations.

I usually install my protective programs 1st.

SpyBot is BACK to locking up my nicely cleaned machine.

Is this thing just fubared and not WORTH installing anymore or what?

Kind of getting sick & tired of trying to make this program NOT lock up my 'puter.


As best asI can recall: spybot problems have going on for over 6 weeks!

Sign me: frustrated & weary of this nonsense.


md usa spybot fan
2007-01-31, 15:54
Since Spybot-S&D does not hang for most users, I suggest that you consider having someone take a look at your system by posting in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum on this site or by posting on the site that you previously recommended (virtualdr.com).

To post in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum on this site follow the instructions here:
"BEFORE you POST" -Preliminary Steps
After completing those steps, start a new thread (topic) in the following forum (making sure to include the HijackThis log and online scan logs produced from the instructions above):
Malware Removal

2007-02-01, 00:12
Well, good suggestion and I am prone to get a but hasty when I'm fed up with Certified Micro$oft repair places have to format my drives after losing a year's worth of email in Outlook 2002.

The first thing I did when I got it home was install Windows XP/home w/SP-2 (again), made certain Windows protective devices were turned on, dowloaded the updates, installed and ran Windows Defender, AVG with the latest update and finally: SpyBot.

Stalled & locked my machine up, even in safe mode.

I just don't get it, obviously.

It runs fine on my piece of Dell laptop with XP Pro.

Living in: :fear: