View Full Version : TeaTimer keeps bugging me on startup

2007-02-04, 01:18
Since uninstalling Norton, I have deleted its registry entries to make sure it's completely out of my system. However, since I did this, I keep getting registry change notifications on startup for EVERY change I made. I know I can just do it once and remember the change, but then I have TeaTimer reminding me of those changes like they're happening for the first time.

Is there any way to get rid of registry entries and be done with it, while still using TeaTimer?

2007-02-04, 03:25
Please have a look here,and see if it helps:

TeaTimer takes snapshots of Registry entries and compares these with the Registry at startup. Until these snapshots are updated you are likely to get pop-ups (at startup) of changes you made in the past. In other words, TeaTimer attempts to return the Registry to the state it was in when the snapshot was taken. This happens primarily when you reboot the system. To refresh TeaTimer's snapshot files:
Right click Spybot's TeaTimer System Tray Icon > click Exit Spybot-S&D Resident.
TeaTimer closes.
TeaTimer's snapshot files are refreshed at this time.
Restart TeaTimer:
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy.
Double click TeaTimer.exe to start it.

It appears that when TeaTimer starts the snapshot files are read into memory and maintained there and that they are only rewritten when TeaTimer closes. During system shutdown (or restart) it appears that TeaTimer is terminated and does not have a chance to rewrite the snapshot files.

Suggestion: As a matter of routine maintenance to keep the problem of multiple messages appearing at startup from reoccurring, consider periodically exiting TeaTimer (Spybot-S&D Resident) just prior to powering off or restarting the system.

2007-02-04, 12:30
That appears to have done it. Thanks a lot. :D

2007-02-05, 05:18
You're welcome. :)

Dumaru revulsion
2007-02-12, 22:22
Perhaps I am in the same boat with Spybot 1.4: but "Spybot-SD Resident" (which help implies the name of the 'TeaTimer') is constantly stacking identical pop-ups on my desk, for "Registry change denied...";
070212 08:38:30 Allowed value "SoundMAXPnP" (new data: ""C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\Core\smax4pnp.exe"") changed in System Startup global entry!
070212 08:38:30 Allowed value "IntelMeM" (new data: ""C:\Program Files\Intel\Modem Event Monitor\IntelMEM.exe"") changed in System Startup global entry!
070212 08:38:31 Allowed value "ISUSPM Startup" (new data: ""C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\UPDATE~1\ISUSPM.exe" -startup") changed in System Startup global entry!
070212 08:38:31 Allowed value "Symantec NetDriver Monitor" (new data: ""C:\PROGRA~1\SYMNET~1\SNDMon.exe" /Consumer") changed in System Startup global entry!
070212 08:38:31 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 08:38:55 Denied value "scrnsave.exe" (new data: "C:\WINDOWS\PHOTOE~1.SCR") changed in Desktop settings!
070212 08:38:57 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 08:39:00 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 08:39:01 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
... (these go unvarying for hours)... until

070212 08:39:18 Denied value "Show All Original Images" (new data: "") deleted in Browser menu extension!
070212 08:39:18 Denied value "Show Original Image" (new data: "") deleted in Browser menu extension!
070212 08:39:19 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 08:39:19 Denied value "Show All Original Images" (new data: "") deleted in Browser menu extension!
070212 08:39:19 Denied value "Show Original Image" (new data: "") deleted in Browser menu extension!
070212 08:39:20 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
... until

070212 11:09:30 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 11:09:30 Denied value "Show All Original Images" (new data: "") deleted in Browser menu extension!
070212 11:09:30 Denied value "Show Original Image" (new data: "") deleted in Browser menu extension!
070212 11:09:31 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 11:09:32 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
... then continue as :

070212 13:51:46 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!
070212 13:51:48 Denied value "ITBarLayout" (new data: "") deleted in User-specific browser toolbar!

so fast that I cannot even get to the notification icon menu items before the menu is erased from the screen again. the Task bar button only allows me to close one of the pop-ups that is about to be erased anyway.
Although I've been on since 8:30 this morning, the Resident pop-ups just stopped. (Perhaps because I managed to get to the 'exit Resident', or else it finished what it wanted, using 0:08:17 of cpu time), leaving only a 'close' icon with no info. Yesterday it did it all day long, until I shut down at .
If not, perhaps I should start another thread.
I tried to attach a screenshot in a zip folder, but see no evidence that it worked.

md usa spybot fan
2007-02-12, 22:54
Dumaru revulsion:

See if the following thread helps:
ITBarlayout Problem

Dumaru revulsion
2007-02-13, 17:54
I'll try it, and see. Thank you