View Full Version : Error when Reinstalling - Error Creating Registry Key

2007-02-04, 10:58
Recently my son's computer was badly infected by malwares, spywares etc.
His google kept being hijacked.
spybot was not able to update, kept getting checksum errors. Hence I thought it was good to uninstall and reinstall.
After cleaning up the computer, with no more hijacking, I tried reinstalling spybot.
Towards the end there is an Error Message.
" Error Creating Registry Key
RegCreatKeyEx Failed: Code 5
Access denied"

I read your forum about using the small patch to ensure complete uninstall and even tried the merge option, but the same error kept popping up.
Please advise

2007-02-04, 17:49

Do you have admin rights?
Which anti-virus-software do you run?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-02-05, 00:22
Thank you Sandra for the early response.
Yes I have Admin rights.
I used to use the latest AVG from Grisoft. It was working fine till about the same time the hijacking started. It had an error on startup. I thought it was clever to try to uninstall and reinstall but I was not able to reinstall it : - again with a registry problem. their forum suggested going through an elaborate regedit which I was not confident of doing.

At about that time I noted S&D could not update because of checksum error - thought it was affected as well, hence I uninstalled it.

I then loaded the latest free Avast and together with AVGspyware newly installed, one or both of them cleaned out most of the hijacking malware. It is working fine i.e no hijacking but cannot install both AVG and S&D

Thanks. Looking forward to your solution - really a wits end.

I also have a personal pc at home ( not my son's ) which also seem to be having this checksum error ( during updating of S&D ) though it appears to clean of malwares, spywares etc

2007-02-05, 10:40

Many users have reported that they are not able to download updates. The 'Search for updates' reveals updates, but they cannot be downloaded. Often a 'HTTP Error 403' or 'bad checksum' is displayed. This has a simple reason - millions of people trying to download from the same server, which can't handle such a burden. In combination with the growing size of the detection file this is becoming a serious problem. We are currently considering possibilities to improve the situation. This includes the search for additional servers and ways of more effective compression. At least one server will soon be added, others will follow hopefully.

In order to overcome the problem for now, if you try again, have a second look at the update-menu-bar after searching for new updates. Therefore choose the update site from the navigation bar on the left. Now you'll see the update menu bar. It has a pull-down item to select a mirror. Click the arrow beside it, and select a different location (try the ones locatest nearest to you first), where you'll most probably have better chances to download. For a better understanding we have placed a picture at this link on our website:
In section 4 you'll see how to select a download location nearest to you.

If this sounds too difficult please try to download the updates manually:
Here is the direct download link:
Just download and run that file - it is self-installing.

The information about "bad checksum" is also available in our FAQ:

For more information please do also have a look into our forum:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-02-06, 12:53
Dear Sandra
Thank you. the checksum error has been resolved.

Can you help me with the problem of inability to reinstall the S&D back to my son's computer - the one with the registry error ?
" Error Creating Registry Key
RegCreatKeyEx Failed: Code 5
Access denied"

I really like S&D and would still like it to be resident in my son's computer.

Thank you

2007-02-06, 13:06

Do you use other security software that can block the registry?
Perhaps something like XP Antispy?
Further, does your system have more than one administrator and did you try to install it on your system administrator account?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-02-07, 16:20
I have only Windows Defender, Avast free and AVG spyware. Not sure if any of those block off registry
I do not have XP Antispy.
I do agree with you it might have been an administrator issue.
Initially when all the trouble started there were 2 accounts - mine and my son's both of which had admin rights. :oops:
Since the problem I have changed my son's account to a non- admin one.
I have also tried running the "small patch" separately from each of the account hoping that it would clean it but did not work.