View Full Version : Scheduling scans

2007-02-06, 01:27
I have the program set to run a scan at 0300 every morning beginning Jan. 13 2007. It has not run a scan yet. I've gone back through all the settings and can't find aything wrong. The attachment limitations prevent me from including a screenshot of the settings window. Maybe there's some way to to communicate directly with someone who can resolve the issue.
Thank you.

2007-02-06, 09:31

Do you have admin rights?
Did you enter a password?
When you get this error message:
“0x80070005: Access is denied" error message when you create a scheduled task in Windows XP Service Pack 2:

Also see:
- Scheduled Tasks cannot run with a blank password

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-02-10, 17:57

Do you have admin rights?
Did you enter a password?
When you get this error message:
“0x80070005: Access is denied" error message when you create a scheduled task in Windows XP Service Pack 2:
Also see:
- Scheduled Tasks cannot run with a blank password

Best regards
Team Spybot

I have the rights.

Did not enter password. I read the article you provided above, but I do not want to have to assign a password to my administrative account. I don't want to have to enter a password every time I restart my machine.

No error messages.

md usa spybot fan
2007-02-10, 18:27

Spybot uses the OS scheduler. In Windows XP the user account that adds the Schedule Tasks entry must have a password. See:
Scheduled Tasks cannot run with a blank password
There is workaround for the password requirement in Windows XP that 100mill (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=2965) was considerate enough to share with us. See the following thread:
Scheduling a Spybot scan under Windows XP
For additional information on scheduling parameters that can be used, see the following:
Are there any command line parameters?

2007-02-11, 04:03
I have had problems with Windows XP's awful schedule tasks program. After some searching, I found the ideal program and it is free:


Used it for several weeks and it is great! No need to buy the professional version, just download the freeware and add whatever programs you want to run

a) automatically at pre-set times;
b) at start-up
c) pop-up reminders to do certain things.

It's all up to you!