View Full Version : Can't Uninstall Spybot S&D V1.4

John Holscher
2007-02-21, 04:31
I have noticed that since updating to V1.4 I can't access any of the help files: help, tutorial or index. I thought that maybe there are some corrupted files so I set out to uninstall and re-install the program. Itried to do so using the add/remove programs control panel but got this message when I attempted to remove;
C:\\Program Files\Spybot-Search & Destroy\unis000.dat does not exist. Cannot uninstall.
Any suggestions on how best to proceed?

md usa spybot fan
2007-02-21, 06:36
Reinstalling will recreate the unins000.dat file. It may even correct the problem with help files without uninstalling first.

2007-02-22, 11:20

Uninstalling via the add/remove programs does not function.

In order to completely uninstall Spybot - Search & Destroy, please consider the following link:

It is important to use the 'very small fix'. This is how to use it:
On our website please right-click the 'very small fix'-link and choose 'Save as'.
The small fix will then be downloaded. Now you can execute it with a double click on its symbol.
If this does not work, you can right click the small fix download and choose 'Merge'.
Now all entries that belong to Spybot - Search & Destroy will be deleted from the registry.

Best regards
Team Spybot