View Full Version : Need help re:spyware compatible with Windows 98

2007-03-06, 17:36
Hello-Please excuse me if I'm not in the right forum, as I don't use them much. I have an old computer that I am trying to finish getting out information that I need. It is loaded with spyware, and it is running on Windows 98. Is there anything available that will clean this thing out, so I can finish what I am trying to do? I don't think my husband had any anti-virus protection on it either, does this matter? Also if it matters, the information that I am trying to get at is really important. Our accounting software for his business is what I am trying to finish transfering to my newly cleaned pc. Thank you so much for your advice ahead of time!

2007-03-06, 18:08
It is loaded with spyware, and it is running on Windows 98. Is there anything available that will clean this thing out, so I can finish what I am trying to do?

Hi there.

If possible, please follow the procedure in this link: "BEFORE you POST" -Preliminary Steps (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Post the requested information into this topic, and a helper will advise you as soon as available.


2007-03-19, 01:30
This topic has been archived.

If you need it re-opened please send me a private message (pm) and provide a link to the thread. Applies only to the original poster, anyone else with similar problems please start a new topic.