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Cannot utilise ignore list


New member
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong please? :sad: When I right click a result and select to add to ignore list it doesn't go there and shows in next scan.
There is a problem keeping ignore lists if you switch between users on a multiple user system. This appears to affect all ignore lists (products, cookies, file extensions, single entries and System internals).


If you want to exclude the item from future detections from the problem list after a "Check for problems":
  • Expand the detection if necessary (+ to the left of the detection).
  • Select the item (entry) that you want to exclude by left clicking on it to highlight it.
  • Then right click on highlighted detection.
  • Select from the list of options in the menu.
    • "Exclude this detection from further searches"
    • "Exclude this product from further searches"
In other words left click to select then right click to display options. If you don't select (highlight) the item first the options menu is for the entire detection list.

Note: If you "Exclude this product from further searches", all detections for that product will be ignored not necessarily the just the detection that you received.

There is another way to exclude products from further searches. Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Ignore products. Expand the width of the Product column if necessary so that you can see the entire text of the entries by grabbing the divider between the Product and Details columns and sliding it to the right. Check the products you want to ignore.
md usa spybot fan,

Thanks for the reply. :bigthumb: You're not going to believe this, but that's exactly what I was doing without success. Now, having given it another go, it worked. But it still hasn't appeared in "Ignore Single Entries" where I expected to see it.
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