View Full Version : Spybot S&D Recovery Page

Bill Assumpcao
2007-04-05, 19:14
How do folks,
While playing with Spybot, I accidentally clicked the Recovery button. I was surprised to find 4 Registry entries saved there.
The reason I was surprised...I've never seen anything but tracking cookies on the Search & Destroy page of Spybot 1.4. In past versions, all problems would show up on the S&D page and not be saved to the Recovery page until I fixed them.
Is this a new default feature? Or, did I just miss a button that I was supposed to click?:scratch: If it's a default feature, I'll just have to remember to check that page more often ;)
Just curious,

md usa spybot fan
2007-04-05, 21:29
You are correct that there are no Recovery files created during the deletion of tracking cookies and some other minor fixes with Spybot-S&D 1.3 and later versions.

However, to the best of my knowledge the only way that items get into the Recovery folder and can be displayed via the Spybot's Recovery facility is when you do a "Fix selected problems".

You could take a look at the backup items in Spybot's Recovery facility and check against the Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.log files that are produced by default when you do a "Fix selected problems" to see if these items were actually fixed.

While in Spybot > Recovery, if you expand the "Backup" information (+ sign to the left of the backup item), the date and time the backup was taken will be displayed (to the right of the backup item).

You can then check the Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.log file that was produced when that backup was done. The Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.log files are stored in the following folders:
Windows 95 or 98:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows ME:
C:\Windows\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows NT, 2000 or XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs

The options for both creating backups and for saving log files can be found in the options tree when you go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Settings. The Backup options are under "Main settings" and the log options are under "Log file settings". The defaults are as follows:

░ Main settings
├─ ■ Default mode (for new users).
├─ □ I do know about all that legal stuff.
├─ ■ Save all settings
├─ ■ Create backups of fixed spyware problems for easy recovery.
├─ ■ Create backups of removed usage tracks for easy recovery.
├─ ■ Create backups of fixed system internal problems for easy recovery.
├─ □ Create system restore point when fixing spyware/usage tracks (Win XP only).
├─ □ Create system restore point when fixing system internals (Win XP only).
├─ ■ Display confirmation dialogs before doing critical changes.
└─ ■ Display compatibility warnings.

░ Log file settings
├─ ■ Write complete check details to debug file Checks.txt
├─ ■ Write complete fixing details to debug file Fixes.txt
├─ ■ Include date and time in debug filename (Checks.yymmdd-hhnn.txt).
└─ □ Overwrite log file if existent (else append to it).

2007-04-05, 21:30
Could you post the names of the items in Recovery?

Didn't see you there,MD.

Bill Assumpcao
2007-04-06, 16:47
G'morning md,
Thanks for the response.

...to the best of my knowledge the only way that items get into the Recovery folder and can be displayed via the Spybot's Recovery facility is when you do a "Fix selected problems".
Hence, my confusion. I don't remember any of these items ever showing up on the S&D page.
Oh well. They say that after the knees and eyes, the mind goes next :blink:

The Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.log files are stored in the following folders:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
I couldn't find the logs there because there was no Application Data folder. But, I found them by opening Spybot and clicking Tools, View Report and then View previous report. :slapsBillAupsidethehead: Yup, they're there and have been fixed.
G'morning to you Zenobia,
Thanks for responding.
The items in Recovery are;
--- Report generated: 2007-02-10 09:15 ---

Win32.ZMist: Type library (Registry key, fixed)

Win32.ZMist: Class ID (Registry key, fixed)

Win32.ZMist: Root class (Registry key, fixed)

--- Report generated: 2007-03-28 12:03 ---

MusicMatch JukeBox: Last add song folder (Registry change, fixed)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MusicMatch\MusicMatch Jukebox\4.0\MusicLibraryUI\Last add song dir!=

3/28/07 was the day that I un-installed MusicMatch.
I just find it strange that I wouldn't remember these, 'cause anything to do with the Registry automatically puts me in semi-panic mode :eek:
Thanks again to both o'y'all,