View Full Version : Looping dialogue box 21:22 Registry Change Denied

2007-04-08, 04:36
I did a very, very bad thing. I turned off the firewall on my tablet with XP because I was doing some testing on my home network trying to get a new Vista Laptop to see the others. After that failed miserably I used the tablet to jump on the net and download XP SP2. I FORGOT TO TURN THE FIREWALL BACK ON! :oops:

I now have SP2 installed but I picked up 7 malware programs like tagasuarus and some others I can't remember them all. When Spybot recognized them I denied the changes but now when I boot up I have 7 of the Registry Change Denied boxes on my desktop constantly flashing and they won't stop.

I rebooted in safemode and ran scan. It found them all. I told Spybot to fix them but it doesn't appear to have worked. When I rebooted regular now I get those looping messages.

Scanning with Norton antivirus didn't see anything so now I'm stuck. I've got to salvage this OS because I can't re-image the drive so someone please help. How do I fix this? :sick:

2007-04-08, 06:28
Well, I was able to use task manager to stop Spybot. Then explorer cashed. After it recovered the dialogue boxes were gone. I scanned again and it didn't find anything. Yet I can power down, reboot and start the boxes process all over again so there must be traces of the malware that are preventing a clean boot. How do I get rid of them entirely so I can stop this? TIA. :bigthumb:

2007-04-08, 15:38
When you denied the changes,did you have Remember this decision checkmarked?
And the looping boxes, do they come up on the lower right hand side of your screen,and do they say something along the lines of the change was denied according to your blacklist?

2007-04-08, 16:09
When you denied the changes,did you have Remember this decision checkmarked?

Unfortunately, no I didn't.

And the looping boxes, do they come up on the lower right hand side of your screen,and do they say something along the lines of the change was denied according to your blacklist?

Yes, they do. I ran immunize as well but rebooting just brings them back again.

What step am I missing?

2007-04-08, 17:14
If you clear Teatimer's Black & White list,then if it encounters the stuff it did before,it will ask you to Allow or Deny the change again,rather than you getting the boxes going up the right side of your screen.So,please look at this post:
Try clearing that,and let me know if you get any prompts after doing that from Teatimer for you to Allow or Deny the changes you denied before.

And just a quick question,when you've been rebooting your computer,do you shut down Teatimer,or have you been rebooting without shutting Teatimer down?
And,other than the boxes going up the side of your screen from Teatimer,how has your computer been?No signs of malware,or anything like that?

2007-04-09, 00:29
Well, I'm not making much progress. When I use task mgr. to stop Spybot and the flashing boxes it also stops tea timer. When I try to start up tea timer I trigger the boxes to start flashing again. I can't get to the setting of tea timer because of this. Oddly enough, when I scan it doesn't find anything. I'll keep working with it. There must be a way around this. TIA.

2007-04-09, 02:58
I can't get to the setting of tea timer because of this.
Yes,I've had that happen before.
Sometimes,you get those blinking boxes up the side of your screen when you have something in your Black & White list.Since Spybot found and cleared the seven problems when you did a scan in safe mode,and hasn't picked up on them in your scans since,I think that's what is probably happening here.

Since the boxes come back when you shut down teatimer with taskmanager and after you reboot,this might not work,but we should give it a shot first.
Try opening Spybot,then click Mode up top,then select Advanced Mode,say yes to the prompt.Then,over to the left select Tools,then Resident.Remove the checkmark from beside Resident "Teatimer",that should shutdown Teatimer.Wait for a minute or two,then reboot and once logged back into Windows,go back into Spybot->Tools->Resident and recheck Resident once again.Hopefully,that will settle down the boxes,and you'll be able to get into your Black & White list,and remove those things.If that doesn't work,please post back,we can try something else. :)

2007-04-09, 16:32
You did it Zenobia! Everything is back to normal now. Time for me to make a new donation to Spybot. Thank you so much. :bighug:

2007-04-09, 18:11
You're welcome. :)