View Full Version : Inmunization Blocked Limewire

2007-04-09, 05:12
I have just restarted windows and got everything working well, I have XPx64, Limewire pro, Ad aware SE (all results ingnored at the first and only scan), everything was cool until I ran Search n destroy (For the first and only time)... I ignored all results of the scan and only selected inmunize-inmunize-check again.
Restarted and Limewire keeps saying connecting.
On recovery - nohing is displayed, on restore - point Failed, I only could uninstall, both Lime and Spybot, I've tried everything I know. Ran Tune up Utilities 2006 and when I re installed Limewire, it's the same... well Please someone help me unblock Limewire, how to restore first changes Search and destroy does, or something else, Please!!! :scratch:

2007-04-09, 20:16
Did you undo Immunization before you uninstalled Spybot?

Also,just for info:

2007-04-10, 21:00
Yes I tried to Undo it but nothing was shown, also it never created a restore point by itself

2007-04-11, 00:49
Limewire has this page up for Connection troubles:

Were you planning on reinstalling Spybot?I don't see anything to do with Limewire anywhere that Spybot immunizes,but I could be missing it,and if you reinstalled Spybot and then made sure Spybot's immunization was undone,that would be the easiest way to know whether or not immunization has anything to do with Limewire's connection problems for sure.Also,do you use any kind of third-party hosts file,like hphosts,etc.?

For Spybot to create a restore point when fixing Spyware/usage tracks and/or System Internals,you would have had to have had those checkmarked under Settings->Main Settings.If I'm remembering right,those aren't checkmarked by default anymore.Can you remember if you checkmarked those in Settings?Also,where you did not choose to fix anything after the Spybot scan,(if I'm remembering this right),Spybot would not create a restore point.

2007-04-12, 09:33
This may or may not work for you, depending what you do with your LimeWire membership. You might have noticed that LimeWire has some fishy components embedded in it, such as LimeShop and stuff. They are system hogs that run in the background. I've found that SpyBot is able to eliminate the garbage from the older version of LimeWire. I still use version 3.8.6 and both SpyBot and LimeWire are able to co-exist and function perfectly. The key is to ignor all the nagging about updating and upgrading from LimeWire. IGNOR AND REFUSE THEM ALL. The hard part is finding the .exe file for this old version. I have a copy of it if you like, in case you want to explore this avenue. :laugh: