View Full Version : Rootkit Detection

2007-04-12, 03:01
Does Spybot S&D check for rootkits during a scan?

md usa spybot fan
2007-04-12, 17:57
Not as far as I know.

The following Jan 16, 2007 InformationWeek (CMP Media LLC) article reviews six products that do (F-Secure BlackLight, IceSword, RKDetector, RootkitBuster, RootkitRevealer and Rootkit Unhooker):
Six Rootkit Detectors Protect Your System

2007-05-26, 20:59
Thank you, I see rootkits mentioned more here lately, and was just curious.


2008-11-26, 18:52
What about the rootkit detection of Spybot S&D 1.6? :fear:

2008-11-27, 00:24
Does Spybot S&D check for rootkits during a scan?

Spybot announced new anti rootkit plugins for Spybot - Search & Destroy in March 2008, and also at the same time a new tool RootAlyzer.
See http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=25737

There is also mention of detection of specific rootkits here

I don't know when the rootkit detection occurs.

2008-11-27, 11:20
There is no explicit search for rootkits. Spybot searches for rootkit during a normal scan. If a rootkit has been found it will appear in the results list. If you want to check your system for rootkits yourself you may use our rootalyzer, which can be found here (http://forums.spybot.info/downloads.php?id=8).

2008-11-28, 10:02
Thank you, i didn't know this tool :alien: