View Full Version : Very bizarre access violations

2007-04-12, 21:15
I have Spybot, Ad-Aware and AVG Internet Security. If I try to run Spybot or Ad-Aware prior to AVG running it's daily scan, I get (randomly) the following error messages:
1. Access violation at <address>. Read of address <address>
2. Access violation RICHEDIT20.dll. Address <address>
3. Privileged Instruction

When I try to run Ad-Aware, I get the same error message that Spybot gave me, except it is written in German!

In all cases, I am able to open and receive email using Outlook Express, but when I try to reply to an email, OE closes.

After AVG runs, these problems disappear. Only to return at random times later in the day. Sometimes. Not always. Doncha just love intermittent problems??

Has anyone ever had this happen or know what's wrong???

2007-04-13, 10:06

Similar errors at various points during the scan have been reported on numerous occasions by people running Windows 95/98/ME systems.

The scan terminates when the error occurs.

You can translate (German to English) using:

Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse = Access injury with address (or more correctly Access violation at address)
Modul = Module
Lesen von Adresse = Reading from address

This (in German):
Error during check!: --- various --- [Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005FD5D2 in Modul 'SPYBOTSD.EXT'. Lesen von Adresse xxxxxFFF] ()
Becomes (in English):
Error during check!: --- various --- [Access violation at address 005FD5D2 in Module 'SPYBOTSD.EXT'. Reading from address xxxxxFFF] ()

The error seems to be transient in nature and other people seem to have been able to overcome the error by limiting the system resources used by other processes in the system.
In other words, run as little as possible while running the Spybot scan.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-04-13, 20:29
Hello Sandra:
I am running Windows XP Home Media Center Edition.
When I get these error messages, I am unable to run the scan at all. These error messages occur when I click on the Spybot icon to start a scan.
I was easily able to understand the German. What I don't understand is why the Ad-Aware refuses to start and why it's in German!
Even though multiple scans have not revealed any virus, I begin to wonder if I do have one.
What do you think?